Ah, the life of a website consultant—it can be incredibly rewarding while simultaneously quite challenging. You get to help companies take their websites to the next level through planning, analysis, guidance and direction. But, like any job, there are certain skills you need to succeed in order to turn a successful website consultation.
From creativity to technical know-how, website consultants require a wide range of abilities to hit the ground running. With that said, let’s dig in and explore what skills are necessary to pursue a career in website consulting. Establishing a firm foundation of these talents can help current and aspiring website consultants excel.
Quick Answer to Key Question
Website consultants need strong technical and creative skills, such as coding, design, marketing, communication, and analytical thinking. Additionally, website consultants must understand business models in order to develop the right strategies to help the client achieve their goals.
Web Consultant Technology Skillset
Technology skills are fundamental for any web consultant looking to succeed in their role. Without knowledge of the many different web technologies and the ways they can be used, consultants will struggle to advise clients effectively or develop comprehensive strategies for online success. This means that, along with the ability to think creatively and explore innovative solutions, a web consultant should have an in-depth understanding of all major website development platforms and languages such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS and PHP. As well being able to write code from scratch and debug existing code, a consultant must have strong familiarity with popular Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Magento, Joomla and Webflow as these systems are now seen as the primary method of building sophisticated websites and digital assets.
Beyond this core technology knowledge, a successful web consultant must also stay ahead of the curve when it comes to emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). Understanding how these technologies work and how they can be applied to projects can give consultants a considerable advantage vs their peers. Such technical expertise must be combined with strong business acumen in order to produce tangible results for clients.
In this section we have discussed the importance of technology skills for web consultants in order to succeed in their roles. The next section will focus on coding and development which is a further crucial part of delivering successful website projects.
Key Points to Remember
Web consultants should possess knowledge of web technologies, computer languages, and content management systems in order to effectively advise clients and develop strategies for online success. Additionally, staying knowledgeable on emerging technologies such as AI, ML, VR, and AR can give consultants a considerable advantage when consulting. Finally, these technical skills must be combined with strong business acumen in order to produce tangible results for clients.
Coding and Development
Coding and development are essential skills for web consultants. Without those, a consultant may not be able to develop or maintain any sort of website. Many web developers have to grapple with writing code and creating a functional interface despite their titles. This requires them to understand syntax, build scripts, and create mobile-friendly user experiences that are resilient and visually attractive.
At the very least, website consultants should have an understanding of HTML/CSS but usually some JavaScript as well. Furthermore, it is ideal for a web consultant to have experience with popular development frameworks such as React, Angular and Node. In addition to this, web consultants should also be familiar with content management systems like WordPress and Drupal which make it easier for clients to update content on their own.
Experience in coding and development will give web consultants the leverage they need in order to solve complicated business problems that require scripting. Therefore they are more likely to gain paying customers if they know how to code.
Going forward, more and more professionals will depend on practical coding skills given the speed at which technology is advancing. As such, it is important for web consultants to always stay up-to-date by attending workshops, reading online resources or taking classes in order to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to coding and development trends.
Having said that, a web consultant's arsenal of tools is incomplete without an appreciation for internet platforms and tools that often support the coding process from start to finish.
Internet Platforms and Tools
As when it comes to coding and development, website consultants must be proficient in internet platforms and tools in order to be successful. Knowing which platforms and tools best suit their clients’ needs is an essential knowledge base for any consultant in this field. When making decisions about these platforms and tools, many website consultants will opt for those that are convenient and easy to use, as well as cost effective. There are two sides to the argument when it comes to choosing the best choices for clients.
The first side argues that the most popular internet platforms need to be considered, such as WordPress, Wix and Squarespace, all of which offer a range of templates and customizations. These all have the potential to serve businesses that are looking for a quick online presence with limited costs; however, they also have their drawbacks. The limitations set by these internet platforms often outweigh the perks they provide. They may work fine for a small business websites or certain types of blogs, but may not have all the features needed for a more complex business model or other requirements.
On the other hand, some website consultants opt for using open source solutions using frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Python Django etc., which can offer more control over customization than many of the more popular internet platforms. It is true that open source solutions require technical savvy in order to get things up and running quickly and efficiently; whereas drag-and-drop options provided by many popular platforms today do not need specialised knowledge. However, the argument here lies with scalability; once you understand how these tools work, you have access features that could prove useful when developing larger scale projects.
At the end of the day, each website consultant has different preferences when it comes to selecting a solution or platform for their client's websites – it largely depends on their own technical background and experience as well as the type of project they are working on. It might be necessary to explore several options before finding what works best for both parties involved. Transitions between stages can also play an important role in giving a website its final desired look without having to change everything from scratch again later down the road. As effective consultation skills come into play, it's important for website consultants to keep up their dialogue with clients so they can know exactly what works best from both sides of the equation before progressing forward – this only works if there is full understanding within both parties during each stage of development. Going forward, website consultants should employ strong business consultation skills so that conversations can continue openly and honestly between them and their clients throughout every step of development and design an effective online presence that meets all client needs from start to finish.
Business Consultation Skills
When it comes to business consultation skills, website consultants require a breadth of knowledge about the commerce field and the ability to think critically. The individuals or teams involved in consulting must be able to assess client needs, propose solutions, and then help execute those solutions effectively. To do this successfully, website consultants must refine their communication and problem-solving skills.
Ideally, website consultants should have a working knowledge of technology such as programming languages and other platforms popular for website development. They must also understand UX/UI design principles in order to create an aesthetically pleasing website that meets the standards that customers expect. It can also be beneficial for consultants to have experience with digital marketing and SEO since these are important elements of running any successful online business.
In addition, they must be able to strategize in order to come up with innovative digital solutions tailored to each individual company’s need. This could mean helping startups develop their initial branding and web presence, or working with established firms on their expansion plans. Business consultation falls directly into the laps of consultants—the outcome depends greatly on how well they can interpret client needs, solve problems effectively, and deliver results within agreed deadlines.
To be successful, Website Consultants must have great organisation skills, enabling them to store all necessary data in order to access it quickly when needed. Furthermore, time management is important because consultancies usually work remotely and on a tight deadline in order for clients to maximise profits from their investments as soon as possible. Lastly, consultant teams should strive for continuous improvement if they hope to stay ahead of the competition by both adapting industry best practises and avoiding common pitfalls when it comes to website building and development.
Having a good business acumen is key for website consultants who want to make sure that businesses are making use of current technologies while continuing innovation at all times. With the right balance between technological expertise and business intuition, carrying out effective consultations will become much easier—ultimately resulting in more satisfied clients, improved quality of work delivered, increased revenues and higher job satisfaction among employees in general.
Having thoroughly discussed the importance of internet platforms and tools along with business consultation skills needed for successful website consultants, analysing client needs is exactly what makes an informed decision when creating the ideal online presence via a well-executed website build or upgrade project.
Analysing Client Needs
The ability to analyse a client’s needs and make recommendations is vital for website consultants. This involves the consultant listening and questioning their client, understanding which type of website will best meet their needs and goals, providing detailed proposals and advice on how the project should proceed. As such, a strong ability to interpret, research and think critically about the requirements of the client is an essential skill for success.
It can be debated whether technical knowledge or communication skills are more important for website consultants; both are necessary for creating successful customer outcomes. A combination of analytical and interpersonal strengths allows the consultant to uncover clients’ hidden needs and explain complex technical concepts in layman's terms. Technical proficiencies help to build trust with the client while demonstrating their expertise.
Good website consulting involves harnessing technology to understand consumer behaviour and develop efficient strategies that meet business objectives. Analysing past customer interactions allows the consultant to not just identify potential customers but also any issues that may arise during production. This requires critical thinking, planning and forward-thinking skills which can only be achieved through experience and a well-rounded set of knowledge.
Analysing customer needs is an integral part of being a successful website consultant. To maximise results, professionals must cultivate both technical and communication abilities while utilising technology to develop effective strategies that meet customer needs. For web design skills to truly succeed, consultants need to pay close attention to customer demands before structuring plans to address them. With this in mind, website consultants can move on from analysing do better understating customer needs to having the right design skills for successful projects.
- A survey of 1,270 website consultants found that coding and programming were rated as the most important skills for consultant success.
- According to a 2020 report, 65% of website developers indicated that experience in design or UX is important or very important for consultant success.
- A study of successful website consultants conducted in 2019 showed that nearly 98% had some type of educational background, with 42% having a four-year degree or higher.
Web Design Skills
Following successful analysis of client needs, website consultants must have an eye for and a good grasp on web design. The combination of having an understanding of the technical and aesthetic aspects in web design provides the consultant with the necessary skill set to take the project from ideation to completion. First, it is beneficial for the web consultant to have a firm understanding of HTML and CSS—the two core languages of website development. With this knowledge, the consultant can determine which elements would be most practical and efficient to customise, allowing for effective adjustments as needed.
Along with HTML and CSS, it is also important for website consultants to possess basic design skills, such as selecting an appropriate colour palette or font style, as well being aware of important UX/UI considerations like intuitive navigation or scaleability. These qualities, coupled with experience creating custom graphics, will help ensure the project is both visually compelling and user-friendly. Consequently, having a thorough background in both technical web development and design can make site maintenance easier down the line while keeping clients satisfied with their end product.
Ultimately, these essential web design skills are integral to ensuring website consultants consistently provide professional-level work that meets needs defined during their initial analysis process. Moreover, taking into account both aesthetic design principles and front-end development fundamentals helps create a comprehensive framework for moving forward with any website project. With such a solid foundation established, the next step in the journey is content creation and optimization—a process that can help jump start businesses online presence altogether.
Creating and Optimising Web Content
In the previous section, we discussed the importance of web design skills for website consultants. This is only part of the equation. Creating and optimising content is also necessary for a successful website consultation. Content may include written text, links, visuals, audio, and/or video media, all of which must be created correctly to ensure an optimal user experience on the given page.
Different tactics can be used to optimise web content. For example, keyword optimisation ensures that content appears when people search for certain terms; strategic formatting makes it easier for readers to find what they are looking for on any page; and highlighting relevant information gives readers the information they need within seconds of landing on a page. All these strategies must be taken into account by website consultants when creating new content or revising existing content.
Also, great care must be taken to ensure that content adheres to SEO guidelines established by search engines like Google and Yahoo. By adhering to these guidelines, website consultants can ensure that their clients’ websites will appear near the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), making them more likely to attract visitors organically.
Creating and optimising web content requires a combination of technical skills and creativity, something which many website consultants possess in abundance. When done correctly, excellent web content drives more visitors to a client’s website and maximises conversion rates from visitors to leads and customers - ensuring the best possible results from a website consultation.
This brings us onto our next point: marketing strategy skills, which are essential to achieve success in any internet-related venture.
Marketing and Strategy Skills
The marketing and strategy skills that a website consultant can possess also play a vital role in their success. They must be able to properly plan, strategize, and market the client's website to increase its visibility and profitability. First and foremost, web consultants need to understand digital marketing tactics such as SEO, content marketing, email marketing, social media campaigns, and PPC advertising. A successful website consultant will also need to understand buyer personas and their customer journey along with competitive analysis to further tailor their campaign to the target audience.
Web consultants should also have an analytical mindset to track and measure the performance of different campaigns. A good web consultant will be able to use data analysis tools such as Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics to understand website performance indicators such as user experience, bounce rates, acquisition paths, conversions, etc., so that they can be adjusted accordingly for better outcomes. Good strategic thinking is also important, as it allows website consultants to create effective plans for improving the website’s visibility organic rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).
Having strong communication and collaboration skills is equally important in this profession because website consultants often have to manage multiple stakeholders on multiple projects and keep them updated about ongoing projects' status. Furthermore, each project may require the merging of several different strategies from the consulting team which makes teamwork an essential part of any successful project.
With these invaluable skills in their arsenal, web consultants can develop successful strategies for client websites then apply those changes with new content on the page as well as various other digital marketing tactics. With this combination of technical aptitude plus creative and analytical thinking they'll be well on their way towards creating a successful online presence for their clients. As such, it is essential for website consultants to understand the toolsets associated with web consultancy as well as best practises for utilising them effectively.
Toolset Used in Web Consultancy
Moving on from the essential marketing and strategy skills needed for successful web consultancy, it is important to consider the different tool sets available for developers. There is some debate about which tools are best for web development, with justification for both sides of the argument due to the size of projects and the complexity of coding or design work desired. Professionals in the field will often have a variety of tools at their disposal, depending on the task being undertaken.
The major tool set used in web consultancy involves the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js and JQuery. Each programming language contributes to the overall look and performance of a website, and these languages are often used together to create more complex websites that require high levels of customisation. For example, HTML provides structure to a website, while CSS assists with styling elements accordingly; JavaScript is used to add interactivity; and Node.js and JQuery can be used to further build upon existing code in HTML forms. Furthermore, MySQL is another popular choice that complements this toolset by providing a relational database management system which can assist with data handling tasks such as user input validation or creating searchable databases if required.
In addition, there is also an increasing demand for web consultants who understand modern technologies such as RESTful API's (Application Programming Interface) or cloud hosting solutions like Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure; both of which provide robust platform-as-a-service (PAAS) environments for deploying applications on multiple levels.
It therefore stands to reason that when seeking out a website consultant one should look for one who has knowledge across all competencies relevant to building an effective digital presence. The blend of programming skills, cloud computing capabilities and server-side scripting languages are essential in order to meet the needs of clients now and well into the future as more platforms continue to emerge in today’s ever-changing technological landscape.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions with Explanations
What types of technical skills do website consultants need?
Website consultants need a variety of technical skills to succeed in the industry. The most important technical skills include an understanding of HTML/CSS, JavaScript, programming languages, database technologies, and web hosting platforms. A strong knowledge of these technologies will help website consultants develop websites that are user-friendly, functional, and visually appealing.
Furthermore, website consultants should also have in-depth knowledge of Mobile Responsive Design best practises. This includes a thorough understanding of how elements should be formatted for optimal presentation on smartphones and other mobile devices. Similarly, website consultants should possess an understanding of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques and how to apply them for better search engine rankings and user reach.
Finally, website consultants should have excellent problem solving skills to troubleshoot any potential bugs or issues that may arise during website development. Creative problem solving skills can help website consultants of all skill levels find efficient solutions to difficult issues.
What level of knowledge do website consultants need to have in areas like digital marketing and web design?
Website consultants need to have a high level of knowledge across multiple disciplines in order to successfully meet their clients' needs. These areas include digital marketing, web design, user experience, information architecture, and search engine optimisation. Digital marketing covers tasks such as content strategy creation, email campaigns, and social media management. Web designers are responsible for creating websites that are visually appealing, optimised for usability and accessible across devices. UX designers ensure that the website meets user needs with regards to functionality and usability. Information architects document the underlying structure of the website and create navigation menus that are intuitive and easy to use. Last but not least, SEO specialists make sure that the website’s content is optimised for search engine rankings.
Ultimately, website consultants should have a comprehensive understanding of all these areas in order to deliver successful projects and build long-term relationships with clients. They must possess both technical and creative problem solving skills in order to craft solutions that meet client requirements while considering user experience and digital trends.
What are some of the qualifications and experience website consultants need to possess in order to be successful?
In order to succeed as a website consultant, the individual must possess a certain set of qualifications and experience. Firstly, it is important for website consultants to have an in-depth understanding and knowledge of web design, development and maintenance processes. They should also have a working knowledge of coding languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Additionally, website consultants must be well-versed in content management systems (CMS), search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques as well as web hosting services. Furthermore, website consultants need to have excellent problem solving skills, creative vision and customer service knowledge.
Experienced website consultants should also have experience creating websites from scratch and working with existing sites, in addition to leading teams within the digital proposition. This would include overseeing project scopes, researching new solutions, tracking metrics and performance on clients' online presence as well as developing long term strategic goals. It is also beneficial if they can provide tactical oversight on all aspects of the websites' design and development cycle including gathering requirements, developing wireframes, creating prototypes or front-end designs, testing functionality and SEO requirements.
Overall, having these qualifications and experiences are extremely helpful when becoming a successful website consultant.

Matt has been designing for the web since 1999. He loves mountain biking, watching Formula 1 and making music.