Gc centered

Together for the future of mission

Building an online community hub for a global member network

Global Connections


Web Design, Web Development,
Brand Development


Member Organisation

Global Connections are a vibrant community of UK-based charities, churches, colleges, individuals, and support services, working and learning together to explore the future of mission, endeavouring to equip and inspire Christians in the UK for cross-cultural mission.

They approached us in need of a new website, built from the ground up to replace their existing site which was dated visually, had convoluted user journeys and was beginning to fall apart.

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The first challenge was to gain a deep understanding of their organisation to create a user experience that unified three core focus areas, a member network, prayer hub and a comprehensive job search platform, all under a single brand identity.

To do this we started with our 80+ point Discovery Workshop in order to write an accurate scope of work that would serve as our blueprint for the build.

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We laid out the new website by creating a high-fidelity, wireframe prototype. This allowed us to explore the user journeys and understand the components needed to produce the site.

To add further complexity, the new website would serve as a hub for its members, allowing them to edit their profiles, post jobs, prayers and events, all through a back-end dashboard.

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Alongside a new website, the visual identity was in need of a refresh to create a more consistent experience, paying particular attention to the colour palette to enchance accessibility.

We refined the logotype with updated typography and developed a visual concept that reflected the global outreach of their work through radiating circles taken from the logo.

GC Logo Animated
GC Elements Animated

We rolled the new identity through the website designs. The result was clean and sophisticated, using shades and colour to create clear paths for the users, whilst reducing visual noise and bringing focus to actions.

The new site is built on Craft CMS with integrations into Mailchimp for tailored job alerts and an external feed into the PrayerMate app, while Craft Commerce handles payments for job posting.

The new site boasts a more simplified and seamless user experience across all devices. A more sophisticated front-end account area allows their members to post and edit job adverts, events and prayers with ease.

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To facilitate growth and consistency and growth for both the new website and Global Connection's digital identity, we developed a comprehensive design system, consisting of the components used within the new wesbite.

Together with Craft CMS, Global Connections now has a truly scalable online platform to grow their organisation and help facilitate their goals and build an online community of like-minded members.

GC Design System

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