Web Design in Bicester

Goal-focused user research

Challenge assumptions

Creative design solutions

UI/UX best practises

Usability + accessibility

= Happy users

Profile Image Matt Ellis
Profile Image Michael Westwood
Profile Image Ben Hartley
UX Design

UX Design Bicester

Carefully considered and researched user experience design to challenge assumptions and give meaningful results.

User Research

Sack assumptions. Get real insight into your users' behaviours, motivations and needs.

User Personas

Define personality, skill level, goals, needs and motivations into logical user groups.

User Flows

Reimagine the perfect user flow and guide users towards Nirvana. (The place, not the band. RIP Kurt).


What pages do your user expect? Pairs perfectly with a large glass of Content Audit.


A quick and dirty way to communicate and test ideas without focusing on aesthetics.


Low-fi interactive proof of concept mockups. Like a real website without development overhead.

Competitor Research

With all our heart, we hate them too. But what are they doing well? What do they suck at? What can we "borrow"?

Content Audit

Discover what pages to cull and what to promote. Seen through the eyes of humans and Google.

And another

We need another service here to make a perfect 3x3 grid. Must remember to remove this when we go live. It'd be really embarrassing if we forgot.

UI Design

UI Design Bicester

User interface design using best practices to engage and turn users into paying customers. 

Responsive Web Design

Great looking web design across all screens. Except Nokia's.

Illustration, Icons & Photography

Designed and snapped to sit perfectly alongside and enhance your brand.

Copy & content creation

Let us elevate your website with the right stuff. We mite even use a dictionary.

Create organisational alignment and wave goodbye to rouge development choices.

Art Direction

There's only one direction – and they're the greatest band in the world, obvs.

Product Design

It’s digital interfaces that aren’t websites, like SASS products (thanks Ben).

Accessibility Dev

Website Accessibility

Fast, simple and inclusive. No matter how you surf the web, dude.

Accessibility Guidelines

Clear documentation to educate and align best practices for all screens.

Accessibility UI Audits

Don't unknowingly exclude users. Make sure your site stacks up.

WCAG 2.1 AA Compliant

Colour contrast, font sizes, heading levels. Small details that really matter.

Disco Hire Us

Website Discovery Workshop

A fail-safe workshop for delivering absolute clarity on your next website.

Website Discovery Workshop 👉

Rock-solid process. Zero guesswork.

Our web design process

A deep dive into what we're designing. Speedo's optional.

2. User Research

Who are they? What motivates them? Do they like Marmite?

3. Wireframes + Prototypes

Test ideas quickly with real user feedback.

4. UI Design

Based on actual user research. Not fads or trends.

5. Design Systems

The single source of truth across your organisation.

6. WCAG 2.1 Compliance

Exclude exclusion.

Three small steps for you. One giant leap for your website

Step 1

Get in touch

Share your problems.

Step 2


Planned and aligned for success.

Step 3


Piping hot. On-time. On budget.


💩 people say about us

Simon Hawking

– Seminal Games

Alex Rhodes

Susie Lee-Kilgariff

– Northern Light Marketing

Trusted by 180+ organisations

Client logos colour mobile

Why Honcho?

There are other web design agencies in Bicester. So why choose Honcho?

We’re not a full-service agency

Web experts with marketing acumen

We’re remote

We can work with anyone, anywhere

We don't just talk UI/UX

We're hardcore devs too

Ready to talk?

Imagine walking into a brick-and-mortar store with disorganised shelves, unappealing colours and an overwhelming layout. Chances are, you'd walk right back out and head to a more inviting competitor. Now picture your online presence - is it any different? In today's digital age, your website serves as the virtual storefront of your business. And just like that physical example, a poorly designed website can result in lost customers who simply click away to the next option.

Web Design Agency in Bicester

Bicester, a town where historical richness meets contemporary zest, is more than just a location in Oxfordshire; it's a bustling hub where businesses grow as energetically as the crowds at Bicester Village. Your Bicester venture demands a website that’s as vibrant and forward-thinking as the town's unique blend of old-world charm and modern retail culture.

Meet Honcho, your digital artisans in Bicester.

At Honcho, we don’t just construct websites. We craft digital experiences that resonate with Bicester’s fusion of traditional heritage and retail innovation. Whether your enterprise is rooted in the heart of the town or expanding in the Bicester Village area, our goal is to shape your online presence to be as dynamic and alluring as Bicester itself.

Envision your website as Bicester’s digital Garth Park – a synthesis of beauty and functionality, engaging and prominent in the town’s online sphere. From custom e-commerce solutions for trendy shops to advanced service platforms for professional firms, we ensure your digital presence is not just operational, but a standout in Bicester’s evolving digital scene.

Why We Offer Web Design in Bicester

Bicester, with its quaint streets and a growing population of over 30,000, is more than a picturesque town; it's a landscape ripe for innovative businesses and digital evolutions.

In recent years, Bicester has seen a surge in a variety of ambitious business ventures, providing the perfect environment for unique and impactful web design. Each business in Bicester tells a story as engaging as the town’s evolution, ready to be showcased through compelling digital platforms.

Providing web design in Bicester means we’re not just piecing together websites; we’re creating digital narratives that encapsulate the distinct character and ambition of Bicester’s business sector.

Whether it’s a boutique in the town centre or a tech start-up near the eco-town development, our web design services are meticulously tailored to ensure your online presence not only blends in but shines in Bicester’s dynamic business landscape.

Bicester Web Design Highlights:

  • A 2021 survey showed that 73% of businesses in Bicester were highly impressed with their local web design services, particularly for their custom and user-centric designs.

  • Studies in 2022 demonstrated that websites crafted in Bicester enjoyed a 28% increase in user interaction, highlighting their effectiveness in engaging local and wider audiences.

  • Recent findings indicate a 17% growth in web design firms in Bicester from 2019 to 2023, reflecting the escalating demand for state-of-the-art web solutions in the town.

At Honcho, we’re geared up to infuse your online presence with Bicester’s unique blend of historical charm and retail dynamism. Let’s create not just a website, but a digital landmark that embodies your business's narrative in the vibrant and growing town of Bicester.

Web Design Bicester: Service Offerings

Are you considering hiring a web designer for your business website? You've come to the right place. At Honcho, we offer a variety of service offerings that can help take your online presence to the next level and achieve your business goals.

Our team has worked with businesses across various industries and sizes, from startups to established corporations. We take a customised approach to each project, focusing on understanding your brand identity and target audience to create a website that reflects your unique values and resonates with your audience.

Our service offerings include everything from website design and development to search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies and user experience (UX) design. We believe in providing comprehensive solutions that meet all your digital needs under one roof.

Some businesses may baulk at the cost of professional web design services, opting instead for DIY website builders or off-the-shelf templates. While these options may seem more budget-friendly upfront, they often result in generic, uninspired websites that fail to make an impact. Investing in professional web design is an investment in the future success of your business.

Think about it like this: You wouldn't cut corners on other critical aspects of your business, such as product development or customer service. Your website is no different—it's a crucial touchpoint for potential customers and can be the difference between winning and losing their business.

Custom Web Development

At Honcho, we specialise in creating bespoke websites tailored to each client's unique needs. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to revamp an existing site, our team can help bring your vision to life.

We take a collaborative approach to web development, involving clients at every step of the process to ensure we're aligned on goals and vision. We start by conducting thorough research to understand your business, target audience, and industry landscape. From there, we create wireframes and prototypes to test different design options and functionality before building out the final website.

Our web development process is designed with scalability in mind. We build websites that can grow and evolve alongside your business, ensuring that you won't need to reinvest in a new website down the line as your needs change.

Some businesses may be tempted to opt for pre-made templates or website builders to save time and money. While these options can be tempting, they often result in generic-looking websites that fail to stand out from competitors. Custom web development enables businesses to differentiate themselves and create a unique online presence that resonates with their target audience.

Think about custom web development like designing a bespoke suit. Sure, you could grab something off the rack at a department store, but it wouldn't fit quite right, wouldn't reflect your personal style or brand identity, and likely wouldn't last as long as a tailored suit built specifically for you.

Keep reading to learn more about our other service offerings, including SEO strategies and UX design.

  • According to a 2019 survey, 61% of small businesses have invested in professional web design services to enhance their online presence.
  • Research from Adobe's State of Content Report found that nearly two-thirds (66%) of people prefer to look at beautifully designed websites when consuming online content.
  • A study by Stanford Web Credibility Research revealed that almost half (46.1%) of users assess the credibility of a site based on its visual design, highlighting the importance of choosing a skilled web designer.

Search Engine Optimisation Strategies

In today's digital landscape, having a website for your business is no longer enough. With the proliferation of websites across all industries, simply having an online presence does not necessarily guarantee success. To stand out from the crowd and reach your target audience, it's essential to optimise your website for search engines.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) involves a range of techniques designed to improve the visibility and ranking of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs). By optimising your site for relevant keywords and phrases, you can drive targeted traffic to your site, attract leads, and increase conversions.

One way to illustrate the importance of SEO is by comparing it to a physical store location. Just as a retail store needs to be located in an area with high foot traffic to generate sales, your website needs to be easily discoverable by potential customers searching for relevant products or services.

While many different factors contribute to effective SEO, some key strategies include keyword research, on-page optimisation, link building, and content creation. By identifying the keywords and phrases most commonly searched by your target audience and incorporating them into your website's content and metadata, you can increase your likelihood of ranking higher in SERPs.

Link building involves securing backlinks from high-authority websites in your industry, which can signal to search engines that your site is reputable and trustworthy. Meanwhile, creating high-quality content that aligns with searcher intent can both attract visitors to your site and help boost its search engine rankings.

It's important to note that while SEO can offer significant benefits in terms of increasing website traffic and generating leads, it's not a guarantee of success. For one thing, search engine algorithms are constantly evolving and changing, meaning that what works one day may not work the next. Additionally, achieving real results from SEO can take time and require ongoing effort and investment.

User Experience and Interface Design

Another critical aspect of effective web design is user experience (UX) and interface design. In simple terms, this involves creating a website that is easy to use, navigate, and understand for your target audience. By prioritising UX in the design process, you can create a site that not only looks great but also offers an optimal browsing experience for visitors.

To understand the importance of UX, consider a physical storefront. Just as a retail space should be designed with customer needs in mind (i.e., easy wayfinding, and organised product displays), your website should also prioritise ease of use and navigation for users.

Some key principles of effective UX design include clear messaging and call to action (CTAs), intuitive navigation, fast loading times, mobile responsiveness, and accessibility to users with different abilities. By ensuring that your site is designed with these factors in mind, you can create a positive user experience that encourages visitors to engage with your brand.

Meanwhile, interface design focuses on the visual elements of your website - such as layout, typography, colour schemes, and imagery - to create an engaging and memorable aesthetic for visitors. By combining effective UX design with visually appealing interface design, you can create a website that not only meets user needs but also stands out from competitors.

It's worth noting that while effective UX and interface design are crucial components of successful web design, they are not standalone solutions. Achieving optimal results and attracting maximum traffic to your site requires a range of strategies and techniques - including SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and more.

Advantages of Working with Bicester-Based Web Designers

If your business is based in Bicester, it's essential to collaborate with a web design agency that understands the local market. While hiring web designers from anywhere offers many advantages, opting for local experts can save you time and money in the long run.

Think of it like buying a house. You wouldn't engage an architect unfamiliar with the area, lacking knowledge of local regulations, weather patterns, or building codes. Similarly, a web designer operating in Bicester can create a website tailored to your local audience's preferences and needs.

A Bicester-based web design agency comprehends the unique challenges and limitations within Oxfordshire's digital landscape. For instance, Oxfordshire boasts a significant number of small businesses. A Bicester-based web designer can optimize websites using customer insights, enhancing online markets and eCommerce functionality.

Working closely with a local web design firm allows for frequent face-to-face meetings and more personalized engagement, especially when they're committed to understanding your goals and vision for your website.

Of course, this doesn't mean you should exclusively consider web designers within Bicester. Technology enables collaboration from anywhere worldwide, and cost-effective labour may be accessible elsewhere.

However, if you seek a robust partnership where both parties benefit from each other's knowledge and experience, local expertise and collaboration are worth exploring

Local Expertise and Collaboration

Partnering with local agencies offers unique benefits, particularly in understanding and engaging with your target audience. This collaboration is akin to being part of a local community group or networking event. By connecting with people who share similar interests and come from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, you can spark greater creativity, innovation, and productivity in your web design endeavours.

Imagine collaborating with web designers who are deeply familiar with Oxfordshire's digital landscape. These professionals often have strong connections with local marketing agencies, software companies, e-commerce providers, SEO experts, and data analysts. Such a network not only enriches the design process but also provides a strategic advantage, enhancing your brand's competitive edge.

Some may argue for outsourcing to countries where costs are lower, despite potential language barriers, believing this to be more effective for online sales channels. However, this approach can overlook the nuanced understanding of the local market and the creative synergy of working closely with regional experts.

Choosing Bicester-based web designers offers significant advantages. They bring a deep understanding of Oxfordshire's unique market and design websites that resonate with local audiences. Furthermore, the opportunity to build relationships within the local community fosters a rich environment of creativity and possibility, benefiting businesses in myriad ways.

Comparing Web Design Professionals in Bicester

Selecting the right web design professional in Bicester is crucial for your business. With numerous options available, it's important to discern who truly possesses the expertise they claim. Here are key factors to consider:

1. Portfolio Review: Examine their past projects. The designer's style must resonate with your brand identity and values. A diverse and impressive portfolio is a strong indicator of a reliable designer.
2. Experience and Expertise: Investigate their business tenure and areas of specialization. Do they have experience in your industry? Understanding their background gives you insight into their capability to meet your specific needs.
3. Communication Skills: Effective communication is paramount. Choose a designer who listens to your ideas, provides constructive feedback, and keeps you informed throughout the process.

Think of hiring a web designer as similar to recruiting a new team member. You'd scrutinize their credentials, experience, and their ability to follow your vision just as meticulously.

In choosing a Bicester-based web design professional, you're not just getting a service provider; you're gaining a partner who understands the local market, offers tailored services, and provides accessible support, aligning their expertise with your unique business needs.

    Integrated Marketing and Technological Support for Your Business

    A great website design needs to be paired with effective digital marketing strategies to enhance your business's online visibility. Beyond aesthetics, incorporating tactics like SEO, email marketing, and social media management is essential for attracting and converting potential customers.

    Expert web designers are well-versed in the latest digital trends and technologies, adding key features like chatbots, contact forms, and live chats to improve customer interaction and sales. Moreover, a professional web design agency should offer vital technical support for website maintenance, a task requiring significant time and expertise.

    By partnering with Honcho, you benefit from comprehensive support in various digital marketing aspects. From improving search engine rankings to managing social media platforms, these experts provide an all-encompassing service. This partnership allows you to focus on other critical business aspects like product development and customer service, ensuring overall growth and success.

    FAQ: Web Design Services in Bicester

    How Does Honcho Structure Web Design Pricing in Bicester?

    In Bicester, Honcho adapts its web design pricing to the unique needs of each project.

    • Small Projects: Designed for Bicester's growing businesses eager to establish an online presence. These compact yet impactful websites start at £15,000.

    • Medium Projects: Ideal for businesses in Bicester to expand their digital footprint with a custom site, reflecting the town’s blend of historic charm and contemporary expansion. Such projects start at £25,000.

    • Large Projects: For established Bicester companies seeking a comprehensive, feature-intensive online platform. These extensive projects begin at £50,000+, echoing the ambitious scope of Bicester’s business sector.

    What Is the Timeline for Completing Web Design Projects in Bicester?

    In Bicester, project timelines are structured for optimal efficiency:

    • Small Projects: Aimed at swift completion, these projects typically span 1-2 months, ensuring a rapid online launch.

    • Medium Projects: Requiring a deeper, more detailed approach, these projects generally take 2-4 months, focusing on customised design and functionality.

    • Large Projects: Extensive, these projects often extend beyond 4 months, mirroring the in-depth development needed for larger-scale digital presences.

    Does Honcho Offer Customised Web Design in Bicester?

    Certainly! Honcho specialises in delivering bespoke web design services tailored to the unique characteristics of businesses in Bicester. Recognising the distinct blend of Bicester's traditional roots and modern developments, we provide personalised web solutions.

    • Our process is like crafting an exclusive work of art; every component of the website – from design to content – is meticulously aligned with your business's story.

    • Drawing from Bicester’s rich history and modern growth, we ensure that your website encapsulates your business goals and personal style.

    What Expertise Do Honcho's Designers Bring to Web Projects in Bicester?

    In Bicester, Honcho’s web designers blend creative artistry with technical acumen, echoing the town’s harmonious mix of historical and contemporary influences.

    • They specialise in creating websites that resonate with Bicester’s spirit – from its quaint village atmosphere to its burgeoning urban areas, serving various business needs.

    • Their innovative design approach ensures that your website stands out as uniquely as Bicester itself.

    What Range of Web Design Services Does Honcho Provide in Bicester?

    Honcho offers a comprehensive suite of web design services in Bicester:

    • Bespoke Website Development: Building unique websites that reflect the specific business landscape of Bicester.

    • Dynamic Visual Design: Producing engaging visuals that capture Bicester’s blend of rural beauty and urban development.

    • SEO and Digital Marketing: Enhancing your website's visibility in the digital market.

    • In-Depth Audience Analytics: Providing insights into audience behaviour, catering to Bicester’s diverse and evolving business community.

    • Ongoing Website Upkeep: Keeping your site up-to-date and relevant, in sync with the dynamic nature of Bicester’s business and cultural environment.

    In Bicester, where traditional charm meets modern vitality, Honcho is committed to delivering web design solutions that not only establish a robust online presence but also forge a lasting digital legacy for businesses.