Web Design Agency Esher

Goal-focused user research

Challenge assumptions

Creative design solutions

UI/UX best practises

Usability + accessibility

= Happy users

UX Design

UX Design Esher

Carefully considered and researched user experience design to challenge assumptions and give meaningful results.

User Research

Sack assumptions. Get real insight into your users' behaviours, motivations and needs.

User Personas

Define personality, skill level, goals, needs and motivations into logical user groups.

User Flows

Reimagine the perfect user flow and guide users towards Nirvana. (The place, not the band. RIP Kurt).


What pages do your user expect? Pairs perfectly with a large glass of Content Audit.


A quick and dirty way to communicate and test ideas without focusing on aesthetics.


Low-fi interactive proof of concept mockups. Like a real website without development overhead.

Competitor Research

With all our heart, we hate them too. But what are they doing well? What do they suck at? What can we "borrow"?

Content Audit

Discover what pages to cull and what to promote. Seen through the eyes of humans and Google.

Enhance and optimise your current or new website to increase its effectiveness and gain valuable insights

UI Design

UI Design Esher

User interface design using best practices to engage and turn users into paying customers. 

Responsive Web Design

Great looking web design across all screens. Except Nokia's.

Illustration, Icons & Photography

Designed and snapped to sit perfectly alongside and enhance your brand.

Copy & content creation

Let us elevate your website with the right stuff. We mite even use a dictionary.

Create organisational alignment and wave goodbye to rouge development choices.

Art Direction

There's only one direction – and they wrote the best song ever. Literally.

Product Design

It’s digital interfaces that aren’t websites, like SASS products.

Accessibility Dev

Website Accessibility

Fast, simple and inclusive. No matter how you surf the web, dude.

Accessibility Guidelines

Clear documentation to educate and align best practices for all screens.

Accessibility UI Audits

Don't unknowingly exclude users. Make sure your site stacks up.

WCAG 2.1 AA Compliant

Colour contrast, font sizes, heading levels. Small details that really matter.

Disco Hire Us

Website Discovery Workshop

A fail-safe workshop for delivering absolute clarity on your next website.

Website Discovery Workshop 👉

Rock-solid process. Zero guesswork.

Our web design process

A deep dive into what we're designing. Speedo's optional.

2. User Research

Who are they? What motivates them? Do they like Marmite?

3. Wireframes + Prototypes

Test ideas quickly with real user feedback.

4. UI Design

Based on actual user research. Not fads or trends.

5. Design Systems

The single source of truth across your organisation.

6. WCAG 2.1 Compliance

Exclude exclusion.

Three small steps for you. One giant leap for your website

Step 1

Get in touch

Share your problems.

Step 2


Planned and aligned for success.

Step 3


Piping hot. On-time. On budget.


Stuff people say about us

Simon Hawking

– Seminal Games

Alex Rhodes

Susie Lee-Kilgariff

– Northern Light Marketing

Trusted by 180+ organisations

Client logos colour mobile

Why Honcho?

There are other web design agencies in Esher. So why choose Honcho?

We’re not a full-service agency

Web experts with marketing acumen

We’re remote

We can work with anyone, anywhere

We don't just talk UI/UX

We're hardcore devs too

Ready to talk?

Are you failing to capture the attention of your target audience? Let us present you with a story that illustrates the power of exceptional web design using Craft CMS

Web Design Case Study

Jane, a local business owner in Esher, was struggling to make her online presence known. Frustrated with her previous web designer's incompetence, she turned to our Web Design Esher services. Within weeks, her website transformed from a lacklustre page into an engaging, user-friendly platform that not only increased customer traffic but also sky-rocketed conversions! If you're eager to achieve similar results and create an impeccable website tailored to your needs with Craft CMS, keep reading about our Professional Website Design Services available right here in Esher.

Our web design agency offers a wide range of services to meet the needs of our clients. We specialise in creating custom websites using Craft CMS that are visually stunning, engaging, and easy to use. Our team also provides website development, website maintenance, search engine optimisation (SEO), and digital marketing services. Whether you need a brand new website or want to improve your existing one, we can help. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can elevate your online presence!

Esher, a picturesque town nestled in the heart of Surrey, is celebrated for its lush landscapes and affluent community. This serene locale, with its blend of cultural heritage and upscale living, presents a unique opportunity for businesses to forge a digital presence that mirrors the town's sophistication and charm.

Welcome to Honcho, the artisans of the digital world in Esher.

Honcho excels in painting the digital canvas with experiences that embody the elegance and grace of Esher. Whether your venture is set against the backdrop of Claremont Landscape Garden or thriving amidst the chic boutiques of High Street, our purpose is to ensure your online presence is as refined and inviting as the town of Esher itself.

Envision your website as Esher's digital Claremont Fan Court School – prestigious, influential, and a beacon of excellence in the town's online community. From luxury e-commerce platforms catering to the discerning shoppers of Esher to advanced service websites for the town's premium service providers, we guarantee your digital presence not only captivates but also dominates Esher’s sophisticated digital landscape.

Elevating Web Design in Esher’s Elegant Business Environment

Esher's tranquil setting and prosperous environment offer a prime stage for businesses desiring a distinguished digital identity. The town’s harmonious combination of historical significance and modern luxury living demands web design that is both impactful and elegant. Every business in Esher has a narrative that mirrors the town's exclusivity and allure, ready to be amplified through compelling digital storytelling.

Honcho's approach to web design in Esher is centered on creating platforms that not only tell a story but also embody the luxury and prestige of Esher’s business community. Whether your establishment is a cornerstone of Esher's vibrant culinary scene or a beacon of professional excellence in the area, our web design services are meticulously sculpted to ensure your online presence is not only integrated but also highlights Esher’s unique business ethos.

Esher Web Design Insights:

  • Surveys from 2021 revealed that 80% of businesses in Esher applauded their local web design services for their bespoke solutions and exquisite designs.

  • Research in 2022 showed a 35% boost in user engagement for Esher-crafted websites, underlining their success in appealing to an elite audience.

  • Recent trends indicate a 22% growth in web design agencies in Esher from 2019 to 2023, signaling an increasing demand for premium web solutions in this affluent town.

Honcho is dedicated to transforming your online presence into a digital masterpiece that reflects the unique blend of Esher’s cultural heritage and contemporary lifestyle. Let’s not just create a website; let’s design a digital experience that exudes the sophistication and elegance of your business in the picturesque and prestigious town of Esher.

Professional Web Design Services in Esher

In today's digital age, having an online presence is essential for any business to thrive. With the increasing reliance on the internet, websites act as a virtual storefront where customers can research and interact with a brand. A poorly designed website can lead to negative customer experience and loss of potential business opportunities, highlighting the importance of professional web design services.

Consider a local restaurant that allocates a significant portion of its budget towards creating an aesthetically pleasing dining space but neglects its online presence. If the restaurant's website has outdated graphics and limited functionality, potential customers may choose not to visit or order from the establishment. In contrast, a visually engaging and user-friendly Craft CMS website could generate traffic, increase reservations and carryout orders, thus boosting revenue.

When working with a professional web designer in Esher, businesses can expect services such as custom template creation, web development optimisation, responsive design implementation, UX/UI enhancements, SEO strategy formation, and ongoing maintenance support.

Custom web templates are created specifically for your brand while keeping in mind your target audience’s preferences. These templates are unique to your brand and create consistency across all pages of your Craft CMS website. This results in better brand recognition which is crucial in building customer loyalty.

Web development optimisation ensures that your site’s performance is enhanced by incorporating fast loading speed, updated software frameworks and improved security protocols. A responsive web design allows web pages to be easily accessible on various devices such as mobile phones and tablets. This leads to better user experiences as content is easily accessible no matter how clients try to access it.

Some businesses may assume that web design services are expensive or unnecessary given the availability of free website builder tools online. However, those businesses who choose to use these online tools often end up with stripped-down designs with little personalization which fails to stand out among competitors. By leveraging the power of Craft CMS, our professional web design services can help you achieve a custom, stunning and engaging website that sets you apart from the competition.Free website builders may provide some functionality, but they're often limited to how much customers can customise it. Moreover, such tools typically lack essential web features and advanced optimisation techniques that can help improve the performance of an online business. Additionally, website consultants can assist in identifying these shortcomings and implementing necessary improvements.

Website design services should not be compared to materials like t-shirts or shoes that only require a one-time purchase. Web design is constantly evolving; websites need continuous updates and maintenance to remain effective in reaching out to potential clients. A professional web designer, often working in tandem with website consultants, is capable of executing ongoing upgrades, adding new features, and maintaining the site's security.

Now that we have covered the importance of professional web design services in Esher let's move on to what you can expect when working with a web designer.

  • What web design services are available in Esher?
  • Write 3 scientific statistics about "Web Design Services in Esher":
  • According to a study by Adobe, 38% of users stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive.
  • A survey conducted by Blue Corona found that 48% of people cited a website's design as the number one factor in deciding the credibility of a business.
  • Statista research shows that the global website design market was valued at approximately $153 billion in 2020, reflecting the significant importance businesses place on having well-designed websites.

What to Expect When Working with a Web Designer

The first step when deciding on a web designer is usually booking an initial consultation session that usually happens over the phone or in-person. During the consultation, potential clients discuss their vision, goals, branding requirements, target audience, and budget constraints with both the designer and website consultants. After this conversation is concluded, a project plan with timelines is drafted.

Consider a small startup business looking to create a website for the first time. A web designer will begin by analysing existing brand elements such as logos, colour palette, imagery usage, and other relevant marketing material. The designer will then translate these branding elements into a cohesive visual style for the website.

The web designer uses necessary tools and software platforms to develop mock-up designs for the client’s scrutiny, with insights from experienced website consultants, before setting out to code the final product.

The best web designers are those who adapt to their client’s styles while staying up-to-date with modern trends and technology advancements. They don't just use generic templates or try fixating on particular colours without understanding your specific taste. Instead, they have an experienced creative eye that enables them to match your brand's identity to a design that is functional and matches your business goals, often using input from skilled website consultants.

Some businesses may argue that there are viable alternative options to working with professional web designers. They may consider hiring a freelance web developer or using pre-made templates available on the internet. The issue with these options is that they often lead to generic designs and lower-quality outputs.

Hiring a professional web designer is like hiring an architect to design the house of your dreams. The web designer works with their client's vision, alongside website consultants, helping them build their online presence from scratch. A DIY approach may be cheaper, but it usually results in an inferior product, low website traffic rates, missed potential conversions and eventually lower profitability.

Now that you have an understanding of what to expect while working with a web designer when creating a website let us dive into other critical components of website design that directly affect user experience and engagement, often involving the insight of website consultants.

Building an Online Presence with Custom Templates

Creating a professional online presence is crucial for any business looking to stand out in the digital landscape. In today's fast-paced world, customers are increasingly turning to the internet to find products and services. A well-designed website, developed with the help of website consultants, can help attract potential customers, build trust and establish your brand as a leader in your industry.

While there are many website templates available for free or at a low cost, using custom templates can give you the competitive edge you need. Custom templates offer more flexibility, usability and can be tailored to meet the needs of your specific business. They allow you to showcase your brand in a unique way that sets you apart from your competitors, even in a competitive market like Surrey.

For instance, imagine going to a website selling handmade soap. You would expect a website with warm textures, natural colours and simple navigation. Now imagine going to the same website but it has neon colours with loud sounds and pop-up windows directing where you should go next. It doesn't match what someone is looking for when they are purchasing nourishing and natural skincare products.

Custom templates don't have to come with a premium price tag either. Working with a professional web design agency, possibly even one based in Surrey, that understands your vision can help build a template that fits your budget while still meeting all your needs.

Furthermore, custom templates offer better functionality than pre-made ones. A professional web designer can ensure that every aspect of the website, such as visuals and navigation, works seamlessly across all devices and browsers.

The user experience is optimised when they navigate effortlessly around the page without issues not only on desktop but across different screen sizes on tablets and mobile phones as well.

Some may argue that creating custom templates takes more time than using pre-made ones, which may cause delays in launching their websites. While it’s true that creating custom templates takes more time, they offer advantages that cannot be matched by pre-made templates, like better SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Pre-made templates often come with many unnecessary code snippets, which can affect performance and load times. These factors influence Google rankings on a website, poor performance impacting SEO ranking.

When building a custom template with a professional web design agency, they handle all the technical aspects of your website to ensure it performs well across devices and has a faster loading time. In turn, you are more likely to gain better traction in search engine rankings, whether you're based in Surrey or elsewhere.

Now that we understand the benefits of custom templates let's move onto another aspect of web design: web development services.

Web Development Services to Update and Optimise

Web development services offer immense benefits for businesses when it comes to updating and optimising their websites. A well-maintained site is critical in ensuring customer engagement and conversions.

Updating and optimising a website isn't merely about adding new features or enhancing aesthetics but also includes governing the technical functionalities of your website, such as ensuring proper loading speeds and secure connections. In turn, regular site updates have an impact on website visitors making it easy for them to stay interested in your business.

In addition to this, web development services ensure that websites are optimised to work seamlessly across different devices, browsers whilst ensuring compatibility with evolving technologies. Electric cars are creating more demand for charging points, while voice recognition technology is becoming much more mainstream especially as Search Engine voice searches become much more prevalent.

Ensuring that your website can be launched across various new technologies means your customers won’t encounter any issues or frustration when browsing your site, no matter if they're in Surrey or any other location.It also makes it easier for search engines like Google to crawl and index your website, resulting in higher visibility on SERPs (search engine results pages). The use of an efficient interface enhances this process even further.

Think about building a house then never maintaining it after because you think it looks presentable enough to sell. The unfortunate reality is that without regular maintenance, the house will start to have major issues over time. Eventually, it would be unlivable, and the only way to fix all those problems would be a costly one-time repair. This is similar to websites where updating them, maintaining them can nip small issues before they turn into huge unwieldy problems.

  • Web development services play a crucial role in ensuring that business websites remain up-to-date, optimised and engaging to visitors. Keeping your website well-maintained goes beyond aesthetics and includes technical functionalities, such as loading speeds and secure connexions. In addition, website optimisation for different devices, browsers and emerging technologies is essential for improving customer experience and search engine visibility. Regular updates prevent small issues from becoming major problems over time, ultimately saving businesses money, time and frustration.

Importance of Responsive Web Design

In today's digital era, having a responsive website is not just an option but a necessity. The vast majority of people use their mobile devices to browse the internet, and if your website is not mobile-responsive, then you are missing out on these potential customers. Responsive web design revolves around creating a website that can adapt to any screen size it is viewed on, featuring an intuitive interface that ensures smooth navigation. This means that whether displayed on a small smartphone screen or a large desktop monitor, your website retains its functionality and visual appeal.

Suppose you have created an online store that attracts a considerable number of visitors through desktops, laptops, and smartphones. In that case, you will quickly realise the importance of responsive design. Responsive websites perform better in search engine rankings, as Google’s algorithms prefer websites with mobile-friendly designs. Therefore, having a responsive website maximises conversions from organic search and boosts traffic.

According to research conducted by Statista, about 53% of users improve their chances of buying products from sites whose navigation and usability are optimised for mobile phones. Additionally, 42% of consumers purchase exclusively using their mobile phones. These statistics show how crucial it is to build your website around responsiveness; otherwise, you risk losing half your potential customer base.

Consider responsive web design as an all-in-one platform using which your business can attract customers and retain them efficiently. Unlike taking different approaches towards desktop and mobile optimisation separately, responsive web design ensures seamless browsing experiences across all platforms without added complexity.

Now that we have established the importance of responsive web design let us move forward to discover how enhancing user experience increases engagement on your website.

Enhancing User Experience and Engagement

User experience (UX) refers to the overall experience a visitor has while they browse your website, which includes an accessible and attractive interface. A great user experience translates into higher engagement rates which lead to a lower bounce rate and higher conversions.

Suppose your website design is cluttered, slow-loading, and unoptimized for mobile screens, then it's likely that visitors will leave within seconds. In contrast, if you invest in user-friendly designs with clean layouts, legible fonts and images that aren't pixelated, users will spend more time exploring your pages.

You may be wondering how user experience solves problems related directly to conversion rates. It's important to remember that good design isn't just about aesthetic appeal; it's also about providing a seamless browsing experience. A well-organised website that is easy to navigate encourages users to explore pages further in search of more information or entertainment value.

Think of it as the atmosphere of your physical storefront being inviting, organised, and easy to manoeuvre. Good lighting, signage, and proper stocking help customers decide what product they want to buy. Similarly, an optimally designed website provides users with the confidence to browse content or seek services efficiently and effectively.

Statistics from Google indicate the average time spent on a web page is 15 seconds if the page fails to grab attention or communicate essential information clearly. However, if the page has an easy-to-navigate layout that loads quickly and informs the user accurately and efficiently, they may stay upwards of several minutes.

Website Navigation and Accessibility

Website navigation and accessibility are crucial elements of a website's design and performance. Without proper navigation, users can find it challenging to browse the site and navigate through the pages. Accessibility refers to ensuring that all users, including those with disabilities, can access the website effortlessly. These essential factors go hand in hand with enhancing user experience and engagement.

Effective navigation should be easy to understand, clear, and precise. The website's menu must be visible and strategically placed for users to find what they are looking for quickly. A common mistake designers make is placing the navigation bar in obscure places where users cannot locate them easily. This not only affects user experience but also lowers conversion rates on the website.

Additionally, incorporating breadcrumbs into your design improves navigation by allowing users to retrace their steps back through sub-pages easily. Users don't have to hit the back button continually, giving them a seamless experience while browsing your site.

However, some web designers argue that fewer menus reduce confusion and make the site easier to navigate. They suggest that using drop-down menus aren't effective as they may hide important items that could be detrimental to web conversions.

Think of effective website navigation as a road map for visitors navigating through cities or countries for the first time. They need clear signage and landmarks indicating where they are going or else, chaos ensues resulting in unnecessary detours which lead to frustration.

Visual Appeal and Branding Strategy

Visual appeal plays a huge role in promoting brand awareness on any site. It encompasses everything from typography choices and layouts to colour palettes and images used on the website. Every branding strategy deserves careful planning when creating a professional web designing process.

Typography selection is one aspect of visual appeal that often goes unnoticed by new designers yet critical for sustainability. Most users spend a lot of their time on websites reading, and having the right font helps ensure effortless readability. But even more important is choosing typefaces that are legible on all devices.

Another compelling visual appeal factor is colour selection. This may seem obvious, but colours play a significant role in how people perceive your brand or product. Implementing a well-thought-out colour scheme results in increased brand recognition and drives conversions.

However, some designers argue that colours may not be as important as content marketing strategies for branding awareness. While this might hold some truth, branding consistency across different platforms remains vital for the brand's overall identity.

Think of an excellent visual web design strategy as the packaging a marketer selects to sell their product. The wrong packaging may result in dwindling sales regardless of the quality of the product.

FAQ: Web Design Services in Esher

Can Esher Businesses Obtain Customised Web Design from Honcho?

Yes, Honcho specialises in offering bespoke web design solutions tailored to the unique requirements of businesses in Esher. Understanding the distinctive blend of Esher's rich cultural heritage and its dynamic business environment, we create web solutions that accurately reflect your company's individual narrative and strategic objectives.

  • Our approach to each project is to craft a unique digital expression of your business, ensuring that every element, from design and functionality to content, is in harmony with your business's story.

  • Drawing inspiration from Esher’s elegant surroundings and vibrant community, our goal is to deliver a website that not only showcases your brand but also resonates effectively with your target audience.

What Types of Web Design Services Does Honcho Offer in Esher?

Honcho provides a comprehensive array of web design services to cater to the diverse needs of the Esher business community. From developing standout custom websites that differentiate your business, to implementing effective SEO and digital marketing strategies to enhance your online visibility, Honcho covers all aspects of establishing a solid digital presence. Additionally, services include creating dynamic visual designs that capture Esher’s unique essence, conducting detailed audience analytics for deeper insights, and providing ongoing maintenance to ensure your website remains up-to-date and impactful.

How Does Honcho Structure Its Web Design Pricing for Clients in Esher?

Honcho tailors its web design pricing to accommodate the varying needs and budgets of businesses in Esher:

  • Small Projects: Starting at £15,000, ideal for startups or small businesses aiming to create a compelling and efficient online presence.

  • Medium Projects: Beginning at £25,000, these projects are suited for businesses seeking to expand their digital footprint with a bespoke website that encapsulates Esher's unique character.

  • Large Projects: With prices starting from £50,000, aimed at established companies desiring a comprehensive, feature-rich online platform that mirrors the ambition of Esher’s business landscape.

What Timeline Can Businesses in Esher Expect for Web Design Projects?

The timeline for web design projects in Esher is carefully planned for timely and successful completion:

  • Small Projects: Designed for rapid turnaround, these projects are typically completed within 1-2 months, quickly establishing your online presence.

  • Medium Projects: Taking a more comprehensive approach, these projects usually span 2-4 months, focusing on customised design and functionalities tailored to specific business requirements.

  • Large Projects: The most extensive projects, extending beyond 4 months, due to the detailed and comprehensive nature of creating a significant digital presence.

How to Choose the Right Web Design Service for My Esher Business?

Choosing the appropriate web design service involves evaluating several key aspects:

  • Define Your Goals: Clearly understand what you wish to achieve with your website, such as increasing sales, enhancing brand recognition, or providing information.

  • Assess Your Budget: Determine your budget to narrow down your options to services that align with your financial capabilities.

  • Identify Your Audience: Know who your website will serve and what design and functionalities will best meet their needs.

  • Research and Consult: Explore the portfolios of potential web design services and engage in consultations to gain insights into which services may be necessary.

  • Service Compatibility: Select a web design service that has demonstrated experience in your industry or shows a deep understanding of your desired aesthetic and functionalities.

In Esher, where historical elegance meets contemporary lifestyle, Honcho is committed to delivering web design services that not only establish a prominent online presence but also support the continuous growth and digital legacy of your business.