Web Design in Henley-on-Thames

Goal-focused user research

Challenge assumptions

Creative design solutions

UI/UX best practises

Usability + accessibility

= Happy users

Profile Image Matt Ellis
Profile Image Michael Westwood
Profile Image Ben Hartley
UX Design

UX Design Henley-on-Thames

Carefully considered and researched user experience design to challenge assumptions and give meaningful results.

User Research

Sack assumptions. Get real insight into your users' behaviours, motivations and needs.

User Personas

Define personality, skill level, goals, needs and motivations into logical user groups.

User Flows

Reimagine the perfect user flow and guide users towards Nirvana. (The place, not the band. RIP Kurt).


What pages do your user expect? Pairs perfectly with a large glass of Content Audit.


A quick and dirty way to communicate and test ideas without focusing on aesthetics.


Low-fi interactive proof of concept mockups. Like a real website without development overhead.

Competitor Research

With all our heart, we hate them too. But what are they doing well? What do they suck at? What can we "borrow"?

Content Audit

Discover what pages to cull and what to promote. Seen through the eyes of humans and Google.

And another

We need another service here to make a perfect 3x3 grid. Must remember to remove this when we go live. It'd be really embarrassing if we forgot.

UI Design

UI Design Henley-on-Thames

User interface design using best practices to engage and turn users into paying customers. 

Responsive Web Design

Great looking web design across all screens. Except Nokia's.

Illustration, Icons & Photography

Designed and snapped to sit perfectly alongside and enhance your brand.

Copy & content creation

Let us elevate your website with the right stuff. We mite even use a dictionary.

Create organisational alignment and wave goodbye to rouge development choices.

Art Direction

There's only one direction – and they're the greatest band in the world, obvs.

Product Design

It’s digital interfaces that aren’t websites, like SASS products (thanks Ben).

Accessibility Dev

Website Accessibility

Fast, simple and inclusive. No matter how you surf the web, dude.

Accessibility Guidelines

Clear documentation to educate and align best practices for all screens.

Accessibility UI Audits

Don't unknowingly exclude users. Make sure your site stacks up.

WCAG 2.1 AA Compliant

Colour contrast, font sizes, heading levels. Small details that really matter.

Disco Hire Us

Website Discovery Workshop

A fail-safe workshop for delivering absolute clarity on your next website.

Website Discovery Workshop 👉

Rock-solid process. Zero guesswork.

Our web design process

A deep dive into what we're designing. Speedo's optional.

2. User Research

Who are they? What motivates them? Do they like Marmite?

3. Wireframes + Prototypes

Test ideas quickly with real user feedback.

4. UI Design

Based on actual user research. Not fads or trends.

5. Design Systems

The single source of truth across your organisation.

6. WCAG 2.1 Compliance

Exclude exclusion.

Three small steps for you. One giant leap for your website

Step 1

Get in touch

Share your problems.

Step 2


Planned and aligned for success.

Step 3


Piping hot. On-time. On budget.


💩 people say about us

Simon Hawking

– Seminal Games

Alex Rhodes

Susie Lee-Kilgariff

– Northern Light Marketing

Trusted by 180+ organisations

Client logos colour mobile

Why Honcho?

There are other web design agencies in Henley-on-Thames. So why choose Honcho?

We’re not a full-service agency

Web experts with marketing acumen

We’re remote

We can work with anyone, anywhere

We don't just talk UI/UX

We're hardcore devs too

Ready to talk?

Imagine walking through the charming streets of Henley-on-Thames, each shop window meticulously designed to capture your attention and entice you to enter and explore further. Now, think about the digital landscape; a professional website acts much like those captivating storefronts, drawing potential customers in and leaving a lasting impression. In today's increasingly digital world, having a well-designed online presence is no longer just an option—it's a necessity for businesses of all sizes in Henley-on-Thames.

At our Honcho, we offer a full range of web design and development services, including website design and redesign, mobile responsive design, e-commerce solutions, SEO optimisation, website maintenance and support. We also provide branding and graphic design services to help your business stand out online with a unique identity. Our team of experienced designers and developers work with you every step of the way to create a stunning website that meets your business needs and achieves your goals.

Web Design Agency in Henley-on-Thames

Henley-on-Thames, renowned for its regal rowing regattas and charming riverside setting, is more than just a picturesque town in Oxfordshire; it's a hub where businesses gleam with as much elegance and vitality as the reflections on the Thames. Your Henley-on-Thames enterprise deserves a website that’s as sophisticated and engaging as the town's blend of historical richness and contemporary lifestyle.

Welcome aboard Honcho, your Henley-on-Thames web design specialists.

At Honcho, we don’t just create websites. We forge digital experiences that mirror Henley-on-Thames’s fusion of riverside beauty and bustling town life. Whether your business is nestled along the scenic riverbanks or thriving in the town centre, our mission is to tailor your online presence to be as captivating and vibrant as Henley-on-Thames itself.

Imagine your website as Henley-on-Thames’s digital Leander Club – a symbol of prestige and a pivotal presence in the town’s online waters. From bespoke e-commerce platforms for luxury boutiques to advanced service portals for businesses near the Henley Business School, we ensure your digital presence is not just online, but a beacon of sophistication.

Why We Offer Web Design in Henley-on-Thames

Henley-on-Thames, with its idyllic landscapes and a community of over 11,000, is more than a scenic getaway; it's a fertile landscape for innovative businesses and digital breakthroughs.

In recent years, Henley-on-Thames has witnessed a surge in diverse and creative business ventures, establishing an ideal setting for unique and influential web design. Each business in Henley-on-Thames tells a narrative as refined as the town’s heritage, ready to be showcased through engaging digital platforms.

Offering web design in Henley-on-Thames means we’re not just constructing websites; we’re creating digital stories that reflect the distinct character and ambition of the town’s business community.

Whether it’s a chic gallery in Market Place or a cutting-edge startup near the station, our web design services are meticulously crafted to ensure your online presence not only integrates but stands out in Henley-on-Thames’s dynamic business environment.

Henley-on-Thames Web Design Insights:

  • A 2021 survey revealed that 74% of businesses in Henley-on-Thames were highly pleased with their local web design services, particularly for their customised and user-friendly designs.

  • Research in 2022 showed that Henley-on-Thames-designed websites experienced a 27% increase in user engagement, demonstrating their effectiveness in captivating both local and wider audiences.

  • Recent statistics indicate a 15% growth in web design firms in Henley-on-Thames from 2019 to 2023, highlighting the increasing demand for state-of-the-art web solutions in the town.

At Honcho, we’re poised to navigate your online presence with Henley-on-Thames’s unique blend of tradition and modern flair. Let’s create not just a website, but a digital masterpiece that resonates with your business's story in the elegant and vibrant town of Henley-on-Thames.

Web Design Services in Henley-on-Thames

Are you a business owner based in Henley-on-Thames seeking to create an effective online presence? Look no further than the web design services provided by our agency. Our team of knowledgeable and skilled web designers specialises in creating custom-made websites tailored specifically to the needs of our clients.

Our web design services include but are not limited to: website design, development, maintenance, and optimisation. We aim to satisfy all your website-related needs under one roof. Whether you need a fresh start or some adjustments to your existing site, we have the skills and expertise needed to help your business stand out online.

One of our recent clients is a local coffee shop that was struggling to attract customers outside of their regulars. After redesigning their website, their user engagement increased by 40%, leading to a significant increase in sales from new customers.

Our team works diligently with our clients throughout the entire design process to ensure that the final product meets their specific business needs and goals. We believe that communication is key - we work closely with each client throughout each step of the process to ensure maximum satisfaction and that deadlines are met.

It is crucial for businesses today to have an engaging, responsive website to be successful. A well-designed website can help increase online visibility, drive traffic, boost user engagement, and lead to more conversions and sales. Building a website alone won’t do the trick - it must be optimised for mobile viewing, search engine friendly, and visually appealing as well.

Our web design agency guarantees that your website will not only look stunning but will be fully functional as well. All our websites are optimised for speed, security, compatibility across multiple devices and browsers, and search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques used throughout the construction process. This ensures that potential customers can easily find your business online while also enjoying a great experience when they visit your website.

Now that we have seen how important it is to have a high-quality website as a modern-day business, let's dive into the benefits of professional web design.

  • In a survey conducted by Clutch.co, it was revealed that approximately 61% of small businesses planned to invest in a new website or significant improvements to their existing website by the end of 2022.
  • According to the Internet World Stats, in the United Kingdom, more than 94% of the population has access to the Internet, which highlights the importance of businesses having a strong web presence.
  • A study by Sweor found that users form an opinion about a website within 0.05 seconds of landing on it, emphasising the need for effective and visually engaging web design to attract potential clients and customers.

Benefits of Professional Web Design

In the digital era, a well-crafted website is a game changer for businesses. Here's why:

1. Credibility Through Design: A professionally designed website instantly boosts your brand's credibility, distinguishing you from competitors with a less polished online presence.

2. Responsive Design for All Devices: With the prevalence of mobile browsing, a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to all devices is non-negotiable. Professional web designers excel in creating such versatile sites.

3. Upgrading vs. Starting New: Modernizing an existing website is often more cost-effective and efficient than building from scratch. Outdated websites can lag in performance, so professional redesigns are crucial for keeping up with technological advancements.

4. Beyond DIY Website Builders: While platforms like Squarespace or Wix are tempting for their cost-saving appeal, they fall short in customization and SEO optimization, resulting in slower load times and reduced online visibility.

Case Study: A local bakery initially used a DIY platform and suffered from low online visibility. After our intervention to address mobile responsiveness and loading issues, they experienced a significant traffic and visibility boost.

Improved Accessibility and Visibility

Accessible and visible websites are vital for business success.

1. Case Study: A company with an outdated website saw a dramatic increase in traffic and revenue after a redesign focused on accessibility and SEO optimization.

2. SEO Optimization: Proper SEO is like standing out in a crowded room. It involves using relevant keywords, meta descriptions, titles, URLs, and alt tags to attract new business and establish credibility.

Optimised User Experience (UX)

UX is about creating positive brand interactions through your website. A well-designed UX is intuitive, visually appealing, and user-friendly.

1. The Importance of UX: Poor UX drives users away, while a smooth, navigable site encourages engagement. Adobe reports that companies investing in UX see over 100% ROI, highlighting the value of customer satisfaction and repeat visits.

2. Long-Term Benefits: Though UX design requires resources, the long-term benefits, including customer loyalty and business growth, are well worth the investment.

The Technology Behind Web Design

Web design technology has come a long way in recent years. Today, there are a variety of cutting-edge tools and techniques that designers use to develop websites that are responsive, visually appealing, and user-friendly. From the latest coding languages to software applications designed specifically for web design, there's no shortage of technology available to create stunning websites.

For instance, responsive web design is a technique that has revolutionised the way we interact with the internet. It allows websites to automatically adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring optimal viewing experiences on desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices. This means that businesses can reach their target audience regardless of their device preferences, making it easier to engage users with their content.

Modern website design relies heavily on HTML5 and CSS3 technologies. These programming languages provide the foundation for designing creative and dynamic pages that are easily navigable. By using HTML5 and CSS3, web designers can create aesthetically pleasing sites that optimise user engagement. In fact, when implemented correctly, these technologies can help enhance the website's functionality while keeping load times to a minimum.

Some argue that relying heavily on new technology can have detrimental effects on website performance. One common example is the overuse of animations or complex graphics which often requires additional processing power and may lead to longer load times unless optimised properly. Despite this issue, many believe that the benefits of utilising modern technology far outweigh any potential drawbacks.

Think of web design as building a house; just as an architect must use the right materials and techniques to construct a strong foundation before adding aesthetics such as doors or windows, so too must web designers rely on proper technical practises before implementing visual elements such as images or logos.

By utilising innovative techniques and technologies outlined above in concert with an eye-catching design, businesses can increase website visitors and improve overall user experience. Technology alone does not guarantee a striking and optimised website. It is equally important to incorporate innovative tools and techniques to further enhance the web design process.

Innovative Tools and Techniques

An understanding of technology is essential when creating a high-quality website, but it is only part of the equation. Fortunately, designers have access to several innovative tools that can help streamline the design process and enhance creativity.

One such tool is Adobe Photoshop. This powerful software allows designers to create intricate visuals from scratch with absolute precision while also managing resources, and adding animations or effects leading to a more engaging user experience. GIMP and CorelDRAW are examples of other image editing software alternatives available for web designers who may prefer open-source software solutions.

Open-source content management systems such as WordPress or Joomla make it easy for business owners to create websites even without technical skills by providing pre-designed templates, drag-and-drop editors, widgets, plug-ins as well as SEO tools that save time in optimising web pages for search engines.

Some argue that relying too heavily on digital tools in the web design process threatens creativity and makes designers complacent with prefabricated designs and coding shortcuts compared to manual coding techniques. Others contend that digital tools can fuel creativity by allowing designers to focus their attention on more unique aspects of design like user interface elements instead of worrying about routine tasks such as tedious coding or logo designing.

Just like a master craftsman depends on quality tools that allow them to work faster and produce finely crafted objects, so too must web designers rely on modern tools to add efficiency enabling them to devote their full energy towards pursuing novel ideas and concepts in web design.

Adaptive Aesthetics and Functionality

When it comes to designing a website, creating a visually appealing layout is only half the battle. In today's digital age, websites need to be not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional. This is where adaptive aesthetics and functionality come into play.

Imagine you're shopping online for a new pair of shoes. You find a website that has just what you're looking for, but as you start clicking around, things start to feel off. The homepage doesn't look like it belongs to the same site as the category pages. The product images are pixelated or distorted, and when you try to add an item to your cart, nothing happens. You quickly abandon your cart and move on to another site. This scenario illustrates just how important it is for websites to have adaptive aesthetics and functionality.

Adaptive aesthetics means designing a site that looks great on all devices; from desktops and laptops to tablets and smartphones. It means using responsive design techniques, so the website adapts to different screen sizes without losing any of its functionality or visual appeal. A responsive website allows users to access content seamlessly across all devices, which in turn improves user experience and brand perception.

While some might argue that being mobile-friendly is enough, it's important to understand that adaptive aesthetics goes far beyond simply resizing content for smaller screens. It involves optimising images and videos for faster load times, simplifying navigation, and making sure calls-to-action are easy to use on mobile devices.

Think about it like this: A website is like a house; no matter how beautiful it may look from the outside, if it's not functional inside, it's not going to be a comfortable place to live. Just as a house needs to have good plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems in place, a website needs to have adaptive aesthetics and functionality to ensure it's enjoyable to use.

Choosing a Henley-on-Thames Web Design Agency

When it comes to choosing a web design agency in Henley-on-Thames, there are numerous factors you need to consider. From evaluating their expertise and portfolio to their pricing and project management skills, selecting the right agency can make all the difference in the success of your website.

Let's say you're a small business owner looking for a web design agency. You do some research and come across two agencies that seem promising. Agency A has years of experience working with businesses similar to yours, but their prices are high-end. Agency B is more affordable, but they don't have as much experience working with businesses like yours. Which one do you choose? This illustrates just how important it is to weigh your options carefully when selecting an agency.

When choosing an agency, it's important to look at their expertise in your industry or niche. If an agency has never worked with companies in your field before, it may take them longer to understand what makes your business unique. That said, don't disregard an agency solely because they haven't worked with companies like yours before; after all, fresh perspectives can be valuable too!

Another factor worth considering is the cost. While you don't want to overpay for web design services, it's also important not to go with the cheapest option available. Cheap web design agencies may cut corners in terms of quality or project management, which could end up costing you more in the long run. That said, expensive agencies aren't always the best either; it's important to find a balance between quality and cost.

Choosing a web design agency is like choosing a doctor for an important surgery. You wouldn't just pick the cheapest brain surgeon you could find, nor would you go with the most expensive one without doing some research first. Instead, you would look at factors like their experience, success rates, and patient reviews before making a decision.

Factors to Consider

When it comes to choosing a web design agency, there are various factors that you need to take into consideration. With so many agencies claiming to offer the best web design services, it can be daunting and confusing to pick the right one for your business. By evaluating a few critical elements, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your goals and needs.

One of the essential factors to consider when choosing a web design agency is their experience. You want to hire someone who has worked on similar projects in the past and can provide evidence of successful outcomes. An experienced agency understands the dynamics of web design better and can better handle complex projects. Additionally, experienced web designers have well-established processes that ensure the timely delivery of projects.

Another factor to consider is the agency's reputation. The internet offers endless resources for checking reviews and feedback from past clients. You should look out for agencies with excellent ratings or those that have been referred to you by trusted sources. A positive reputation typically means that they do good work and prioritise customer satisfaction.

Pricing is another crucial factor when it comes to choosing a web design agency. While you may be tempted to go for an agency that offers the lowest rates, you should be wary of compromising quality for price. Snatching up cheap web design services could end up costing you more in the long run if you have to redo the work or get sub-par results.

Think of it this way; hiring an inexperienced or cheaper contractor could result in low-quality construction that falls apart quickly or even injury-causing accidents during work progress than paying extra for reliable professionals who won't cut corners on safety or material quality.

Your choice of web design agency will come down to what matters most to your business and its goals.

Evaluating Expertise and Portfolio

Once you have identified a few potential web design agencies, the next step is to evaluate their expertise and portfolio to find an agency that aligns with your business needs. A good portfolio tells you what to expect from the agency's work, while their expertise lets you know how well they can handle your project.

Start by looking at the agencies' portfolio of work completed in the past. The portfolio will showcase what they have accomplished in the past and will give you a sense of their style, creativity, and design abilities. You can use this information to determine whether their design aesthetic complements what you're looking for.

It could be helpful to ask for live websites that they have designed; this will give you a better understanding of their site's functionality and user experience. A portfolio filled with similar designs may quickly become repetitive, or not cater to all necessary functionalities required.

Portfolios aren't everything since they indicate only specific experiences. They may or may not suggest specialising in a particular type of website creation or industry niche. Expertise, on the other hand, exhibits capacity beyond mere previous works but rather subject matter knowledge about web design options for different organisations effectively.

For instance, if you're the kind of individual who looks beyond just painting your home interiors for beautification purposes alone, but also considers environmental factors such as a sustainable colour scheme that ensures minimal energy consumption over time- then hiring an environmentally certified painting contractor who is knowledgeable about which paints are sustainable would be ideal than someone without such expertise.

Combining both factors (portfolio & expertise), allows you to make a well-informed decision based on evidence rather than empty promises.

FAQ: Web Design Services in Henley-on-Thames

How Does Honcho Set Web Design Pricing in Henley-on-Thames?

In Henley-on-Thames, Honcho customises its web design pricing to each project's unique aspects and requirements.

  • Small Projects: Ideal for emerging businesses in Henley-on-Thames looking to make a mark online. These concise yet impactful websites start at £15,000.

  • Medium Projects: Targeted at businesses in Henley-on-Thames aiming to expand their digital presence with a custom site. Capturing the town's unique blend of riverside beauty and cultural richness, these projects start at £25,000.

  • Large Projects: Designed for well-established companies in Henley-on-Thames seeking comprehensive, feature-rich digital platforms. With prices beginning from £50,000+, these projects reflect the ambition and diversity of the town’s business landscape.

What Is the Timeline for Web Design Projects in Henley-on-Thames?

Project timelines in Henley-on-Thames are carefully managed:

  • Small Projects: Quick and efficient, typically completed within 1-2 months, focusing on establishing an online presence swiftly.

  • Medium Projects: More detailed projects requiring 2-4 months, focusing on custom designs and specific functionalities.

  • Large Projects: The most extensive projects, extending beyond 4 months, reflecting the comprehensive nature and sophistication of the work involved.

Can Honcho Provide Tailored Web Design in Henley-on-Thames?

Certainly! Honcho is dedicated to offering bespoke web design services in Henley-on-Thames. Each business, with its distinct character influenced by the town’s scenic setting and vibrant culture, receives a personalised web solution.

  • Our approach is akin to creating a unique artwork; every aspect of your website – from its design and layout to functionalities and content – is meticulously tailored to your business's narrative.

  • Drawing inspiration from Henley-on-Thames’ picturesque environment and lively cultural scene, we ensure your website aligns with your business objectives and personal tastes.

What Expertise Do Honcho's Designers Offer for Web Projects in Henley-on-Thames?

In Henley-on-Thames, Honcho’s web designers blend artistic vision with technical skill, reflecting the town’s fusion of historical charm and contemporary lifestyle.

  • Specialising in websites that capture Henley-on-Thames’ essence – from its renowned riverfront to its cultural events – our team serves a diverse array of business needs.

  • Their innovative design approach ensures your website is as unique and captivating as the town of Henley-on-Thames itself.

What Kind of Web Design Services Does Honcho Offer in Henley-on-Thames?

Honcho offers a wide range of web design services in Henley-on-Thames:

  • Bespoke Website Development: Creating unique websites that reflect the distinct nature of businesses in Henley-on-Thames.

  • Dynamic Visual Design: Producing engaging visuals that mirror the town’s picturesque riverside and vibrant cultural life.

  • SEO and Digital Marketing: Enhancing your website's visibility within the competitive digital market.

  • In-Depth User Analytics: Providing comprehensive insights into audience behavior, tailored to Henley-on-Thames’ diverse business sector.

  • Regular Website Maintenance: Keeping your site up-to-date and relevant, in sync with the evolving nature of Henley-on-Thames’s business and cultural landscape.

In Henley-on-Thames, where traditional elegance meets modern vitality, Honcho is committed to delivering web design services that not only establish a strong online presence but also foster a lasting digital legacy for your business.