Web Design Knutsford

Goal-focused user research

Challenge assumptions

Creative design solutions

UI/UX best practises

Usability + accessibility

= Happy users

UX Design

UX Design Knutsford

Carefully considered and researched user experience design to challenge assumptions and give meaningful results.

User Research

Sack assumptions. Get real insight into your users' behaviours, motivations and needs.

User Personas

Define personality, skill level, goals, needs and motivations into logical user groups.

User Flows

Reimagine the perfect user flow and guide users towards Nirvana. (The place, not the band. RIP Kurt).


What pages do your user expect? Pairs perfectly with a large glass of Content Audit.


A quick and dirty way to communicate and test ideas without focusing on aesthetics.


Low-fi interactive proof of concept mockups. Like a real website without development overhead.

Competitor Research

With all our heart, we hate them too. But what are they doing well? What do they suck at? What can we "borrow"?

Content Audit

Discover what pages to cull and what to promote. Seen through the eyes of humans and Google.

UI Design

UI Design Knutsford

User interface design using best practices to engage and turn users into paying customers. 

Responsive Web Design

Great looking web design across all screens. Except Nokia's.

Illustration, Icons & Photography

Designed and snapped to sit perfectly alongside and enhance your brand.

Copy & content creation

Let us elevate your website with the right stuff. We mite even use a dictionary.

Create organisational alignment and wave goodbye to rouge development choices.

Art Direction

There's only one direction – and they're the greatest band in the world, obvs.

Product Design

Digital interfaces that aren’t websites, like SASS products.

Accessibility Dev

Website Accessibility

Fast, simple and inclusive. No matter how you surf the web, dude 🤙

Accessibility Guidelines

Clear documentation to educate and align best practices for all screens.

Accessibility UI Audits

Don't unknowingly exclude users. Make sure your site stacks up.

WCAG 2.1 AA Compliant

Colour contrast, font sizes, heading levels. Small details that really matter.

Disco Hire Us

Website Discovery Workshop

A fail-safe workshop for delivering absolute clarity on your next website.

Website Discovery Workshop 👉

Rock-solid process. Zero guesswork.

Our web design process

A deep dive into what we're designing. Speedo's optional.

2. User Research

Who are they? What motivates them? Do they like Marmite?

3. Wireframes + Prototypes

Test ideas quickly with real user feedback.

4. UI Design

Based on actual user research. Not fads or trends.

5. Design Systems

The single source of truth across your organisation.

6. WCAG 2.1 Compliance

Exclude exclusion.

Three small steps for you. One giant leap for your website

Step 1

Get in touch

Share your problems.

Step 2


Planned and aligned for success.

Step 3


Piping hot. On-time. On budget.


💩 people say about us

Simon Hawking

– Seminal Games

Alex Rhodes

Susie Lee-Kilgariff

– Northern Light Marketing

Trusted by 180+ organisations

Client logos colour mobile

Why Honcho?

There are 47 other Knutsford web design agencies out there. So why choose Honcho?

We’re not a full-service agency

Web experts with marketing acumen

We’re remote

We can work with anyone, anywhere

We don't just talk UI/UX

We're hardcore devs too

Ready to talk?

Get in touch

75 Boothfields
Cheshire East
WA16 8JY
United Kingdom

Gone are the days when having a rudimentary website was enough for your business. With the internet being a vital part of business success and customer interests, web design is no longer a “nice-to-have”; it’s a critical factor in your company’s success. With countless options, it can be hard to find the right web design agency to trust with your business’s online presence. That’s why you should consider using Honcho—a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing quality web designs that help make your business stand out. From comprehensive website services to designs that fit your brand, and help with getting your message to the right audience. 

Web Design Agency in Knutsford

Knutsford, with its elegant streets and rich cultural heritage, is more than just a charming town in Cheshire; it's a vibrant hub where businesses bloom as beautifully as the gardens at Tatton Park. Your Knutsford enterprise deserves a website that’s as sophisticated and engaging as an afternoon at the May Day parade.

Step into the spotlight with Honcho, your Knutsford web design maestros.

At Honcho, we don’t just create websites. We craft digital experiences that capture the quintessence of Knutsford’s blend of tradition and contemporary flair. Whether you’re a boutique in quaint King Street or an innovative startup near Booths Park, our mission is to elevate your online presence to reflect Knutsford’s unique charm.

Imagine your website as your digital Mere – serene, captivating, and a reflection of Knutsford’s elegance. From tailored e-commerce platforms for luxury retailers on Princess Street to bespoke service websites for professional firms in the town centre, we ensure your website is not just seen but admired.

Why We Offer Web Design in Knutsford

Knutsford, celebrated for its picturesque architecture and a lively community of over 13,000, isn't just a jewel in Cheshire’s crown; it's a burgeoning scene for businesses ready to carve their digital niche.

In recent times, Knutsford has witnessed a surge in diverse and creative business ventures. This vibrant entrepreneurial climate is ripe for unique and impactful web design. Each business in Knutsford has a story, as rich and varied as the town’s heritage, and we're here to bring these narratives to life in the digital realm.

Offering web design in Knutsford means we’re not just assembling websites; we’re creating digital masterpieces that showcase the unique spirit and ambition of Knutsford’s business community.

Whether it’s an artisan shop on Canute Place or a cutting-edge tech company near Heath, our web design services are customised to ensure your online presence not only fits in but also stands out in Knutsford’s dynamic business landscape.

Knutsford Web Design Insights:

  • A 2021 survey revealed that 74% of businesses in Knutsford were highly satisfied with their local web design services, particularly highlighting their innovative and user-focused designs.

  • Research in 2022 showed that Knutsford-designed websites enjoyed a 28% increase in user engagement, demonstrating their effectiveness in capturing audience attention.

  • The latest data indicate a 16% growth in web design firms in Knutsford from 2019 to 2023, signifying strong demand for top-tier web solutions in the area.

At Honcho, we’re passionate about infusing your online presence with Knutsford’s unique blend of elegance and modernity. Let’s create a website that’s not just a digital space, but a vibrant representation of your business's story in the enchanting town of Knutsford.

Professional Web Design Services in Knutsford

The availability of professional web design services has become an integral part of businesses. The success of many companies, both large and small, often depends heavily on having an effective website that can be maintained and monitored to keep it up to date. Without professional web design services, businesses may find themselves struggling to enhance their website visibility, accessibility and search engine rankings.

On the other hand, some believe that any business should be able to manage and maintain a website without needing professional assistance. They argue that the 'DIY' approach can be just as effective if enough time, money and effort is dedicated to it. Whether or not this is true depends heavily on the skills of the people managing the website, as well as the resources available to them. For some, having professional web design services may prove more cost-effective over time than going down the DIY route.

Regardless of where you stand on this debate, there is no denying that professional web design services can have an instrumental role in the success of your business. From crafting stunning designs that engage with visitors to creating sleek websites for optimum user experience – experienced web design companies often have extensive knowledge and are backed by experienced professionals to help businesses reach their desired goals. 

Benefits of Professional Web Design

When it comes to creating the most impressive online presence for any business, it's essential to consider the benefits of investing in professional web design services. Professional web design means that you have access to a team of experienced designers who specialise in creating eye-catching websites with great usability and style. By leveraging modern technologies, they can ensure that website users have a fluid experience from the moment they visit your page until their transaction is complete. Furthermore, professional web designers understand how to optimise your website from both a technical perspective as well as a marketing perspective which are critical aspects for any business’s success.

On the other hand, there is an argument that suggests businesses could create their website using tools like WordPress or Wix, which would be more cost-effective than using professional web design services. This can be a valid claim in some instances, however, many start-up companies lack the knowledge or expertise to properly configure and style their website; something which a professional web designer could do in a fraction of the time. Additionally, the quality and performance capabilities of these drag-and-drop options cannot compare to highly tailored projects created by professionals.

After taking into account all these pros and cons associated with professional web design, it’s clear that the benefits outweigh those of DIY approaches. With professional services, clients can ensure that their website will stand out among competitors while having seamless functionality and fast loading speed. Websites designed with this level of skill also provide businesses with an excellent way to maximise their marketing goals.

Essential Information

Investing in professional web design services provides businesses with a team of experienced designers who can create eye-catching websites with great usability and style. Professional web designers understand how to optimise a website from both a technical and marketing perspective. DIY approaches like WordPress and Wix could be cost-effective, but cannot compare to professionally tailored projects from experienced web designers. Ultimately, the benefits of professional web design outweigh those of DIY approaches and allow businesses to stand out among competitors while maximising their marketing goals.

Websites Designed to Maximise Marketing Goals

When it comes to business websites, the primary focus should be on optimising for marketing goals. Whether you’re a new entrepreneur wanting to make your business more visible or an established brand looking for more customers, well-designed websites can make all the difference. Professional web designers understand this and use tangible tactics to maximise marketing goals.

For example, calls to action are an important element of successful website design. A good website designer will know how to strategically implement these to draw attention to key points across the site, ensuring that users are guided towards completing tasks such as subscribing, buying, or downloading apps associated with your business. Furthermore, professional web designers have the skill and training to use search engine optimisation techniques to make sure that your website not only looks great but also ranks highly on navigation menus when people search for services like yours.

Ultimately, by having a website designed with your marketing goals in mind, whether that be improving visibility or driving more sales, you are making every effort for success. When considering where to invest in web design services for your business, always remember that the point is optimising for your ultimate goal: sales growth. With a professional web designer setting up an intuitive website tailored towards marketing needs, there’s no doubt that you’re taking a step closer in achieving those set objectives.

With an optimised website designed around marketing goals, businesses can then move on to tackling the next challenge: crafting a content strategy to attract even more customers and boost online visibility even further.

Building Content Strategies

When it comes to building an effective content strategy for websites designed to maximise marketing goals, businesses face a difficult task. On one hand, the content should be tailored towards influencing customer decisions and generating leads. On the other, it should be SEO-friendly so it can be discovered more easily by search engine crawlers. It's easy to see why professional web design services come into play here; they can balance the needs of customers and search engines when crafting content to create the best possible user experience.

The importance of content strategies cannot be understated in today's crowded digital landscape. Equally important is ensuring that the content created is fresh and up-to-date, as well as being tailored specifically to target audiences. Search engine algorithms are constantly updating their criteria, so it is essential to always stay ahead of trends and ensure that content meets both Google’s and customer requirements. Professional web designers have the experience necessary to create a content strategy that meets all of these needs and more.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to content strategy, which is why businesses often rely on professional web design services. By tapping into expertise from experienced professionals, companies can quickly build an effective content plan tailored towards their specific requirements. Of course, this doesn't mean that business owners don't need to play a role in the process; they must be engaged throughout in order to ensure their brand remains visible among the competition.

Successful website design goes beyond simply creating attractive visuals; businesses need to consider how they will use relevant content to attract customers and stand out from their competitors. Fortunately, businesses have access to plenty of competitive web design services that are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills required for creating strong strategies that can help them reach their marketing goals.

  • According to a 2019 survey, 69% of small businesses invest in website design and maintenance, indicating the significant demand for web design services.
  • A 2018 study found that 85% of consumers judge a business’s credibility based on the look of their website.
  • Research has shown that professionally designed websites positively impact consumer confidence, with 90% of consumers considering website design as an important factor when making decisions on purchases and services.

Competitive Web Design Services in Knutsford

When it comes to effectively competing for attention in the digital space, a web design strategy is essential. With the right web design elements, businesses can make a significant impact on their target consumer base. There are many web design services available that can help business owners optimise their online presence and reach more potential customers. By leveraging different strategies such as search engine optimisation (SEO) and responsive website design, businesses can gain an edge over the competition.

For example, SEO-focused web design allows companies to have their website featured prominently within the search engine results pages (SERPS). This is critical for helping businesses increase their visibility and appear at the top of SERPs when potential customers are performing searches related to their services. Additionally, by having a website with a responsive design, companies can ensure that all visitors have an optimal viewing experience regardless of what device they may be using since this type of website will automatically adjust to fit any screen size.

There are many competitive web design services capable of helping businesses with their online presence. With the right approach and specialised knowledge, companies can create an effective digital marketing strategy that will not only improve visibility but also increase customer engagement. As an extra layer of assurance, companies should consider ensuring that any chosen web design agency is certified by the relevant industry bodies. Through this process, businesses can ensure that the quality of service meets professional standards and expectations.

With this being said, designing content strategies is equally important for achieving success with an online presence. Unfortunately for some companies, oftentimes times these strategies become overlooked or undervalued due to a lack of understanding about how effective they can be if done correctly. Fortunately though, with some guidance from experienced professionals such as skilled web designers, it’s possible to create well-thought out content strategies that will maximise user engagement and create better performances in terms of ROI. Consequently, understanding client needs and expectations when it comes to developing content strategies is key to achieving success in today’s digitally focused world.

Understanding Client Needs and Expectations

Understanding client needs and expectations is a key factor in any successful web design service. Web design agencies compete to provide services that meet the specifications of clients, but there can be variations in how those needs are understood and interpreted. Some web design agencies focus on providing detailed proposals that account for every aspect of client expectations, while others may rely on more basic assessment processes and general guidelines to create a similar outcome.

No matter what approach an agency takes, clients must understand the details of their proposal and the parameters of the project. Any important nuances in the proposal should be discussed at length with clients before work begins for projects to run smoothly and efficiently. The agency should demonstrate a commitment to understanding their client's objectives as well as addressing any potential challenges along the way, to deliver a satisfactory result.

To fully understand client needs and expectations, web design agencies must take a collaborative approach. This means carrying out effective consultations with their clients throughout the project development process and actively engaging with them to ensure they are satisfied with the results. It is also important to remember that understanding customers' needs and expectations is not just about delivering upon their specific requirements but also ensuring that their website meets all of the criteria necessary for digital success.

By taking a comprehensive approach to understanding client needs and expectations, web design agencies can ensure that their customers are happy with the finished product. This commitment to customer satisfaction will help set them apart from competitors and further reinforce trust between them and their clients, leading to more positive experiences for everyone involved. With this knowledge in mind, it is now possible to turn our attention towards expertise in web development and skills which are paramount when creating effective websites designed with customer satisfaction in mind.

Expertise in Web Development and Skills

The expertise in web development of web design professionals allows them to bring any vision to life. With a combination of innovative design, coding disciplines and extensive knowledge in treating user interfaces, they can create functional websites and applications catered to each individual’s specific needs and preferences. Understanding the nature of website development, experts have the distinct ability to address unknown obstacles ahead of time and know how to optimise their services for each client.

Of course, one cannot underestimate the importance of skills for web development. Professionals have mastered the act of creating well-rounded designs, from animation, and UX/UI optimisation, to developing digital marketing strategies that best fit your particular venture. Understanding first-hand the features and trends that are necessary for an effective website design such as mobile integration, security protocols and interactive content is crucial for businesses seeking a competitive advantage over their competition. A modern website must not only be visually appealing but safe and up-to-date with new technology.

When it comes to bringing ideas to life, the skills and expertise obtained by web designers and developers help bridge your vision with reality. Through communication, they can break down complex concepts into tangible solutions while keeping your budget in check. With this unique combination of artistry, intuition, technical knowledge and commitment, you will soon see ideas flourish into something special on the World Wide Web.

Bringing Your Ideas to Life

Honcho's expertise extends beyond technical prowess in web design. We believe in making your ideas a reality, ensuring each website is not only unique but purpose-driven. Our team excels in crafting sites that reflect your distinct needs and style, whether it’s an e-commerce platform, a personal portfolio, or an event registration portal. Our commitment is to bring your vision to life with precision and flair.

Understanding that every client has unique goals, our designers offer a bespoke service. We begin with a detailed design consultation, delving into your objectives and preferences before any coding starts. This process ensures we grasp what you envision in terms of functionality, aesthetics, and overarching aims.

With a keen eye on the latest web trends and technologies, our team transforms your concept into a dynamic, visually compelling website. We don't just build sites; we create digital experiences that accurately reflect your original idea, engaging users both visually and functionally.

Our approach is holistic: we blend our technical expertise with a deep understanding of your business objectives. Our strategy encompasses extensive research into user experience, navigation, and delivery, crafting websites that not only captivate but also deliver tangible results. With Honcho, expect a website that goes beyond aesthetics, resonating with your audience and achieving your goals

FAQ: Web Design Services in Knutsford

How Does Honcho Determine Web Design Costs in Knutsford?

Let’s explore the pricing. In Knutsford, Honcho offers web design services with a pricing strategy that aligns with the unique demands of your project.

  • Small Projects: Ideal for Knutsford's emerging businesses seeking a strong online presence. We create compact, impactful websites starting at £15,000.

  • Medium Projects: For businesses expanding their digital footprint with a custom-designed website. It’s about enhancing your brand to resonate with Knutsford's elegant and vibrant character. Starting at £25,000.

  • Large Projects: Tailored for established companies in Knutsford looking for an extensive, feature-rich online platform. Envision creating a digital showcase as captivating as Knutsford's historic charm, with prices beginning at £50,000+.

What is the Timeline for Completing a Web Design Project in Knutsford?

Managing time effectively is key, and here's how it works in Knutsford:

  • Small Projects: Fast and efficient, aiming to get your business online within 1-2 months.

  • Medium Projects: A more comprehensive approach, requiring 2-4 months for those custom functionalities and designs.

  • Large Projects: An in-depth journey to create a comprehensive digital presence, typically extending beyond 4 months, similar to orchestrating a major event in Knutsford.

Can Honcho Customise My Website to Fit My Specific Needs in Knutsford?

Certainly! In Knutsford, bespoke web design is our speciality. At Honcho, we craft websites that are as unique as your business. We recognise that each company in Knutsford, with its distinct flair, deserves a web presence that's equally personalised and engaging.

Our process is like creating a custom masterpiece; every detail – from the design and layout to the functionalities and content – is carefully tailored to reflect your business’s narrative. Whether you draw inspiration from Knutsford’s picturesque streets or its vibrant cultural scene, we bring your digital vision to life. Every element of your site will be customised to align with your business goals and personal tastes.

What Expertise Do Honcho's Web Designers Offer for Knutsford Projects?

In Knutsford, Honcho’s web designers bring a combination of creative vision and technological expertise, reflecting the town’s blend of historic beauty and contemporary lifestyle. They are digital artists, adept at translating the essence of your business into a compelling online presence.

They specialise in creating websites that embody the spirit of Knutsford – from the charm of its heritage sites to the energy of its modern developments. Catering to both local startups and larger enterprises, they ensure your website is a true representation of Knutsford’s unique character. Their innovative designs ensure your website is as engaging and distinctive as the town itself.

What Types of Web Design Services Does Honcho Provide in Knutsford?

Honcho offers a wide array of web design services in Knutsford:

  • Custom Website Development: Constructing websites from the foundation up, tailored to showcase the unique aspects of your Knutsford business.

  • Striking Visual Design: Crafting imagery and graphics that capture attention as effectively as Knutsford’s scenic beauty.

  • SEO and Online Marketing: Boosting your website's visibility to ensure it stands out in the digital landscape.

  • Comprehensive User Analytics: Providing detailed insights into audience behaviour, as thorough as a study of Knutsford’s community dynamics.

  • Regular Website Maintenance and Updates: Keeping your site current and engaging, reflecting the evolving nature of Knutsford.

In Knutsford, where historical charm meets modern sophistication, Honcho is dedicated to delivering web design services that not only establish your online presence but also create a lasting digital legacy for your business.