Web Design in Norwich

Goal-focused user research

Challenge assumptions

Creative design solutions

UI/UX best practises

Usability + accessibility

= Happy users

Profile Image Matt Ellis
Profile Image Michael Westwood
Profile Image Ben Hartley
UX Design

UX Design Norwich

Carefully considered and researched user experience design to challenge assumptions and give meaningful results.

User Research

Sack assumptions. Get real insight into your users' behaviours, motivations and needs.

User Personas

Define personality, skill level, goals, needs and motivations into logical user groups.

User Flows

Reimagine the perfect user flow and guide users towards Nirvana. (The place, not the band. RIP Kurt).


What pages do your user expect? Pairs perfectly with a large glass of Content Audit.


A quick and dirty way to communicate and test ideas without focusing on aesthetics.


Low-fi interactive proof of concept mockups. Like a real website without development overhead.

Competitor Research

With all our heart, we hate them too. But what are they doing well? What do they suck at? What can we "borrow"?

Content Audit

Discover what pages to cull and what to promote. Seen through the eyes of humans and Google.

And another

We need another service here to make a perfect 3x3 grid. Must remember to remove this when we go live. It'd be really embarrassing if we forgot.

UI Design

UI Design Norwich

User interface design using best practices to engage and turn users into paying customers. 

Responsive Web Design

Great looking web design across all screens. Except Nokia's.

Illustration, Icons & Photography

Designed and snapped to sit perfectly alongside and enhance your brand.

Copy & content creation

Let us elevate your website with the right stuff. We mite even use a dictionary.

Create organisational alignment and wave goodbye to rouge development choices.

Art Direction

There's only one direction – and they're the greatest band in the world, obvs.

Product Design

It’s digital interfaces that aren’t websites, like SASS products (thanks Ben).

Accessibility Dev

Website Accessibility

Fast, simple and inclusive. No matter how you surf the web, dude.

Accessibility Guidelines

Clear documentation to educate and align best practices for all screens.

Accessibility UI Audits

Don't unknowingly exclude users. Make sure your site stacks up.

WCAG 2.1 AA Compliant

Colour contrast, font sizes, heading levels. Small details that really matter.

Disco Hire Us

Website Discovery Workshop

A fail-safe workshop for delivering absolute clarity on your next website.

Website Discovery Workshop 👉

Rock-solid process. Zero guesswork.

Our web design process

A deep dive into what we're designing. Speedo's optional.

2. User Research

Who are they? What motivates them? Do they like Marmite?

3. Wireframes + Prototypes

Test ideas quickly with real user feedback.

4. UI Design

Based on actual user research. Not fads or trends.

5. Design Systems

The single source of truth across your organisation.

6. WCAG 2.1 Compliance

Exclude exclusion.

Three small steps for you. One giant leap for your website

Step 1

Get in touch

Share your problems.

Step 2


Planned and aligned for success.

Step 3


Piping hot. On-time. On budget.


💩 people say about us

Simon Hawking

– Seminal Games

Alex Rhodes

Susie Lee-Kilgariff

– Northern Light Marketing

Trusted by 180+ organisations

Client logos colour mobile

Why Honcho?

There are other web design agencies in Norwich. So why choose Honcho?

We’re not a full-service agency

Web experts with marketing acumen

We’re remote

We can work with anyone, anywhere

We don't just talk UI/UX

We're hardcore devs too

Ready to talk?

Are you constantly getting left behind in the ever-evolving digital world? Are you looking for a way to spruce up your website and make sure it stands out from the competition? If you need a refresher on what it takes to launch and maintain a successful website, then a web design service based in Norwich could be exactly what you need!

Norwich's Premier Web Design Agency: Honcho

In Norwich, where medieval architecture meets contemporary zest, businesses need a digital presence that mirrors the city's vibrant tapestry. Norwich, a beacon of cultural heritage and modern innovation in Norfolk, offers a unique backdrop where enterprises bloom with creativity and resilience. Your Norwich venture requires a website that embodies the city's historical elegance and forward-thinking ethos.

Introducing Honcho – your navigator through Norwich's digital landscape.

At Honcho, crafting websites transcends basic design – it’s about weaving digital experiences that resonate with Norwich's spirit. From the bustling lanes of the Norwich Market to the innovative hubs surrounding the University of East Anglia, our aim is to tailor your online presence to match the city's dynamic blend of the old and new.

Imagine your website as Norwich’s digital castle – majestic, inviting, and standing tall in the city's digital realm. Whether it’s custom e-commerce solutions for the vibrant shops in the Lanes or sophisticated service platforms for firms in the Norwich Research Park, we make sure your digital presence is not just seen but remembered.

Tailoring Web Design for Norwich's Business Landscape

Norwich, with its storied streets and a thriving population, is not merely a city; it's a canvas ripe for digital storytelling. The recent surge in diverse business ventures across Norwich provides the perfect stage for impactful web design. Each Norwich enterprise has a story as captivating as the city itself, ready to be unfolded through stunning digital narratives.

Honcho’s commitment to web design in Norwich goes beyond mere creation; we’re setting the stage for digital masterpieces that capture the essence and ambitions of Norwich’s business community. Whether your scene is set in the historic heart of the city or among the innovation-driven outskirts, our web design services are meticulously orchestrated to ensure your online presence not only harmonises with but shines in Norwich’s dynamic business symphony.

Norwich Web Design Insights:

  • Surveys from 2021 highlight that 76% of Norwich businesses greatly value their local web design services for their creativity and attention to user experience.

  • 2022 research shows a 29% boost in engagement on websites designed in Norwich, showcasing their allure and functionality.

  • The latest figures indicate a 17% increase in web design agencies in Norwich from 2019 to 2023, signaling a robust demand for cutting-edge web solutions in the city.

Honcho is poised to infuse your digital footprint with the essence of Norwich – a city of history, innovation, and boundless potential. Let’s not just build a website; let’s craft a digital dominion where your business narrative flourishes in the rich and dynamic setting of Norwich.

Web Design Services in Norwich

When looking for web design services, there’s no better place than Norwich. The city is home to some of the UK’s leading web designers, each with a unique set of skills and a commitment to creating digital experiences that are both creative and productive. Whether you're seeking a website that’s elegant, effective and tailored to your needs or an online presence that will engage users and represent your brand accurately, there's sure to be a web design service that can make it happen in Norwich.

The key to any successful website is making sure that it reflects the personality of the company it represents; this holds true especially when it comes to web design services in Norwich. Professional web designers in the city not only bring an impressive roster of experience and technical expertise but also an understanding of local markets, ensuring that branding and messaging reflect the specifics of local interests, attitudes and behaviours.

Moreover, Norwich offers access to some of the best online tools available at competitively affordable prices. Solutions range from small-scale modifications to pre-existing designs to complex custom builds that integrate bleeding-edge technologies. High-level web strategists provide specialised expertise as well as exceptional content management systems (CMS) tailored for each business’s budget and objectives.

No matter what specific requirements you may have for your website, there's sure to be an ideal solution among Norwich's trusted web design services. However, there are certain benefits beyond craftsmanship alone that must be taken into account before settling on a designer – benefits which we will explore in the next section.

Benefits of Web Design Services for Businesses in Norwich

Businesses in Norwich have a lot of potential to grow with modern web design. Having an effective website that looks good and is responsive helps customers find the business easily, understand what the business is about, and have the confidence to purchase from the business. Professional web design services provide businesses the opportunity to create a website that meets their specific needs and can contribute to their success.

Web design services for businesses in Norwich offer important benefits such as gaining new customers, increasing brand awareness, having control over their business story, using analytics to define customer behaviour and interests, improving search engine visibility and organic searches, creating an opportunity to showcase products and services and create an online presence, along with providing access to online marketplaces. While there are many advantages of having professional web design services, it can also come with risks like increased competition getting better reviews or becoming more successful online than the business itself.

However, Norwich has a range of experienced web designers that understand how the current technology works so they can identify the most effective strategies to help businesses succeed online. It is generally cost-effective too; having a web designer rather than developing the website internally saves organisations money and time whilst also ensuring a quality product within a reasonable timeframe. Professional web design services also provide ongoing support which helps keep websites up-to-date and fully operational at all times.

Ultimately, professional web design services offer businesses in Norwich the chance to stand out by providing comprehensive solutions that can make their websites more attractive and efficient. By engaging with these services, organisations will be taking advantage of opportunities designed to bring them closer to success in an increasingly digital world. To further optimise those efforts and maximise return on investment from websites, it's necessary for businesses to invest in building them with best practises and robust strategies.

Optimising and Building Websites

Optimising and building websites is a key feature of web design services for businesses in Norwich. Building a website through the help of professionals can give businesses an edge online because well-designed websites will be more user-friendly, faster, intuitive, and better optimised for search engines. This can ultimately lead to increased traffic, visibility, and conversions. On the other hand, there are also risks associated with building a website. There may be issues related to broken links, slow loading times, SEO performance, or other technical problems that could affect user experience and potentially damage the reputation of a business.

Fortunately for businesses in Norwich, professional web design services are adept at avoiding these risks. Designers have the expertise necessary to create clean designs that load quickly and perform optimally on all devices. They also use modern technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, SEO Metatags and relevant keyword phrases to ensure high ranking on search engines for maximum visibility and attraction of potential customers. In addition, experienced designers understand the importance of creating responsive designs that adapt to different device sizes so users can enjoy the same experience regardless of the device they use.

By taking advantage of web design services in Norwich, businesses can be ensured that their website will look great while also performing optimally both on desktop and mobile devices. By optimising their website design and ensuring it loads quickly across various platforms and browsers they can maximise their chances of success on the web. With this goal in mind, having a professional web designer by your side is essential. The next step is to create a logo or brand identity that reflects this newly created website - something which will be discussed more thoroughly in the following section.

Create A Web Site Or Design A Logo Or Brand Identity

Now that you have optimised and built a website for your business, the next step is to create a logo or brand identity. While most people think of branding as just having a logo, it encompasses much more; it includes the overall identity of the company along with its core values. If you are looking to create a website or design a logo or brand identity, making sure these elements reflect what your company stands for is essential.

When creating a logo or brand identity, keep in mind that it should be timeless and simple. It needs to represent your company in the most professional way while also focusing on an aesthetically pleasing approach. You'll want to focus on colours, fonts, and shapes that represent not just the product but also the philosophy of the company.

Once your logo is designed, you want to make sure to apply it everywhere - from business cards and websites to social media profiles. This will help customers recognise your brand easily and quickly. The logo also acts as a visual representation of your company's mission and/or message which you can use to highlight areas of expertise.

Creating a web site or designing a logo or brand identity can be challenging but when done correctly, can provide great returns for your business. With Norwich Web Design Services, you can be assured that all these elements will combine together for maximum impact and recognition across any mediums. Now let's move on to the next crucial step in getting your business ready for success: creating an app for your business.

Create An App For Your Business

Once a website has been created and established, many businesses are looking to the next step in their digital marketing strategy: creating an app. But before you take on this undertaking, it’s important to evaluate your business’s needs and what the app could offer customers. Many people debate whether or not businesses actually need an app in order to be successful, but there are many benefits that make it worth considering.

For some businesses, an app can help keep customers up-to-date with news, events, discounts, and more. Apps can be set up as loyalty programmes to reward customers for repeat visits, purchases or actions. An app also allows customers easy access to make payments or place orders directly from their smartphones or tablets. It also doesn’t require customers to open a separate mobile version of your website. The convenience factor of having quick access to an app is undeniable for many customers today.

Some businesses may even see certain direct sales increases due to use of an app. Live Nation found that its direct sales increased 24 percent after launching its phone application—testimony that apps can result in additional revenue for companies if done correctly. Having a user-friendly and useful branding display within an application can foster brand loyalty among users who will flock back to the same source time and time again.

Of course, creating an app is not a decision to take lightly; there are various costs associated with developing and maintaining the app over time—both financially and developmentally—so businesses must ensure they understand the costs associated with such a project before committing to building an application as part of their web design services in Norwich. With proper planning, however, an app may offer just the right level of convenience and engagement desired by both you and your customers alike.

Ultimately deciding whether or not an application is right for your business model is one only you can make, but thoughtful evaluation and analysis of potential ROI-based outcomes using web design experts located in Norwich such as online search engine optimisation and design capabilities can help guide you in the decision-making process. With the considerations above in mind, it's time to look at your options when seeking web design services in Norwich and how they best suit your business’s individual needs.

  • According to a survey of businesses from 2017, 14% of small businesses in Norwich use web design services.
  • The web design industry in Norwich is estimated to be worth £56 million annually.
  • According to a study by The Guardian, Norwich has 17% more website designers than the average UK city.

Web Design Services in Norwich

When it comes to web design, a local presence is essential. Norwich businesses can benefit greatly from finding and working with web designers and web development experts in their local area. With local knowledge, an understanding of the region’s customers, and access to the best technologies and solutions, Norwich-based web design companies are well-placed to create websites that drive success for their clients.

As the internet has become increasingly important for all types of businesses, so too has competition increased for access to the best web design services. Making sure you find the most suitable match for your company’s website project needs should be a top priority. The good news is that Norwich is home to many reliable and professional web design and development companies. From small independent firms to larger regional partnerships, there are plenty of options available to choose from. Weighing up each one based on quality of work, customer service, online reputation, and cost can help ensure you make an informed choice when selecting a partner for your website project.

With Honcho, you can enjoy complete peace of mind that your website project is safe in experienced hands. From a tailored design process through to user experience testing and security protocols; investing in professional web design services will not only provide great-looking results but also deliver long-term performance and reliability. With such value on offer, taking care when sourcing web design services in Norwich has never been so important.

How to Choose the Right Service For Your Needs

Choosing the right web design service for your needs can be an overwhelming process. There are many variables to consider such as budget, level of expertise, website design style, and ease of use. When selecting a service, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of each option carefully to make an informed decision.

One factor to consider is price. Generally, more expensive services provide more features and have more capable teams that can help you bring your website vision to life. On the other hand, cheaper services might not have the same level of expertise or resources as more expensive services, but they may be more affordable. Ultimately it’s up to you to decide which option is best based on your budget and needs.

Another factor to consider when choosing a web design service is the level of expertise or experience that the team has in creating websites. While having an experienced team can cost more money, it also ensures that you’re getting a high-quality product that meets industry standards and addresses all aspects of website design from page layout to user experience. A less experienced or cheaper service doesn’t necessarily mean a lower quality website – there are plenty of services out there that provide excellent results at an affordable price point.

It’s also important to consider the website design style you are looking for when selecting a service. Different services specialise in different styles such as minimalism, modern, or creative-focused websites. Depending on what kind of look and feel you’re aiming for with your website, make sure you choose a provider who matches your aesthetic requirements.

Finally, user experience should be an integral part of any website design project and make it easier for customers to move through the website quickly and easily without hassle. Look for services with a focus on user experience design to ensure that customers have access to the right information in an area where they can actually understand it and navigate easily within the site.

No matter which web design service you choose, it’s important to properly assess your needs and do extensive research before making any decisions. Make sure you take the time to read reviews from past customers related to customer support levels and the quality of service provided so that you can make an informed decision about which provider will meet all of your needs from pricing to features.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any web design service providers in Norwich that specialise in a certain type of website?

Yes, several web design service providers in Norwich specialise in certain types of websites. From small businesses to large enterprises, there are services available for all kinds of websites. Local providers offer tailored solutions and bespoke website designs to fit your business needs. Furthermore, Norwich-based web design companies can typically provide quick turnaround times, meaning you will have your website ready faster than if you manage the project yourself. Additionally, they often provide additional features such as custom coding, database integration, eCommerce development, and more—allowing you to scale your website for success no matter the size or purpose.

What makes a good web design service provider?

A good web design service provider will first and foremost have a team of experienced professionals who are knowledgeable about the latest web design trends and technologies. They should also offer value-added services such as copywriting, usability testing, search engine optimisation, branding, and more. Additionally, web designers need to be able to communicate effectively with their clients and be receptive to their feedback to create an effective website. Lastly, a great web design service provider should be able to meet timelines and budgets while still delivering high-quality results.

What do I need to consider when selecting a web design service provider in Norwich?

When selecting a web design service provider in Norwich, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, you should ensure that the company has experience working with businesses like yours, so they understand your unique needs and can create the best website for your business’s success. Furthermore, look into the company’s portfolio and reviews to get an idea of the quality of their work. You should also make sure they offer comprehensive services, such as website optimisation, user experience design, and technical support. Lastly, it’s important that the web design team can meet your timelines and communicate regularly about progress and changes. By considering these factors upfront you will be able to select a web design service provider that meets all your requirements.

FAQ: Web Design Services in Norwich

Can Honcho Offer Tailored Web Design for Norwich Businesses?

Absolutely! Honcho prides itself on providing bespoke web design services tailored to the unique blend of Norwich's historic charm and its burgeoning modernity. Every business in Norwich, with its own story and place within the city's rich tapestry, receives a personalised web solution from Honcho.

  • By treating each website like a unique piece of art, Honcho ensures every facet from design to content precisely mirrors your business's narrative.

  • Drawing from Norwich’s medieval architecture and vibrant cultural scene, we aim to make your website a reflection of your business objectives and personal style.

What Is the Pricing Structure for Web Design Services by Honcho in Norwich?

Honcho's approach to web design pricing in Norwich is customised, ensuring businesses of all sizes find a suitable package.

  • Small Projects: Starting at £15,000, ideal for Norwich's emerging enterprises looking to establish a digital presence with efficient and impactful websites.

  • Medium Projects: Beginning at £25,000, these projects are perfect for growing companies in Norwich needing a bespoke website to match the city's unique character.

  • Large Projects: With prices from £50,000+, aimed at well-established Norwich firms seeking comprehensive digital platforms, mirroring the city's diverse business landscape.

What Timeline Can Norwich Businesses Expect for Their Web Design Projects?

The timeline for web design projects in Norwich is meticulously managed to ensure timely delivery:

  • Small Projects: Designed for rapid completion, typically within 1-2 months, to quickly establish an online presence.

  • Medium Projects: Taking 2-4 months, these involve a deeper dive into custom design and functionalities.

  • Large Projects: The most in-depth projects, extending beyond 4 months, due to the complexity and comprehensiveness of the work.

What Expertise Do Honcho’s Web Designers Bring to Projects in Norwich?

In Norwich, Honcho’s web designers meld creativity with technological know-how, perfectly echoing the city’s historical and contemporary fusion.

  • Specialising in sites that reflect Norwich's essence – from its ancient streets to its dynamic urban life – our team addresses various business needs.

  • Their cutting-edge design ensures your website stands out distinctly, much like Norwich itself.

What Types of Web Design Services Are Available from Honcho in Norwich?

Honcho offers an extensive array of web design services in Norwich:

  • Bespoke Website Development: Creating unique sites that capture the essence of your Norwich-based business.

  • Vibrant Visual Design: Producing compelling visuals that showcase Norwich’s picturesque landscapes and urban vibrancy.

  • SEO and Digital Marketing: Elevating your site's visibility within the digital domain.

  • In-Depth Audience Analytics: Delivering insights tailored to Norwich’s diverse market.

  • Ongoing Site Maintenance: Keeping your website updated and relevant, reflecting the evolving nature of Norwich’s business and cultural landscape.

In Norwich, where centuries-old heritage meets innovation, Honcho is dedicated to crafting web design solutions that not only carve out a strong online presence but also build a lasting digital legacy for businesses.