Bespoke web development Belfast

Bespoke development

Custom solutions for unique problems

Strategically planned

Built for business objectives

WordPress-free zone

We’re a Craft CMS agency

A development team you can trust

Developers gone AWOL?

Dated UI/UX?

Slow & unresponsive?

Difficult to update?

Not appearing on Google?

Falling behind competitors?

Craft CMS Dev 4

Craft CMS Development

We 🖤 Craft. It's the only CMS we use.

Find out more

New Websites & Rebuilds

End-to-end design and development

Multilingual Websites

International language switching.


Sell almost anything online.

Member Sites

Free and paid, password-protected areas for member-only sites.

Plugins Development

Custom solutions for unique problems.

Third-party Integrations

Extend and enhance with external APIs.

Support Retainers

Maintained, up-to-date, secure and error-free.

Agency Partnerships

Extend your team’s development capacity with ours.

Website Audits

Blueprints for improved speed, content authorship and plugin selection.

Technical Dev

Technically, we’re brilliant

HTML, JS and CSS. We know all the acronyms – and what to do with them.

Speed Matters

Always developed with fast in mind.

Always Security

Keeping up to date and implementing best practices.


Good, better, best. Ongoing, iterative A/B testing.

Bigger Picture Dev

Thinking of the bigger picture

No website is an island. Strategically planned from day one.

Synchronise your business goals with your user’s needs.

Business Objectives

What are we building – and who are we building it for?

User Research

Make potent development decisions based on real users' data.


Baseline reports for SEO, content and conversions.


Quickly test ideas and get feedback with prototypes and MVPs.

UI/UX Design

We're web designers too. The perfect accompaniment for development.

Accessibility Dev

Website Accessibility

The W3C use Craft CMS. We use Craft CMS. It’s not a coincidence.

WCAG 2.1 Compliant Development

For all screens, screen readers and users.

Accessibility Audits

Don't unknowingly exclude users. Make sure your site stacks up.

Accessible Updating

Inclusive authorship for everyone.

Disco Hire Us

Website Discovery Workshop

Get absolute clarity on your next website.

Website Discovery Workshop 👉

Rock-solid process. Zero guesswork.

Our web development process.

A deep dive into what we're building – and who we're building it for. Speedo's optional.

2. Scope

A detailed blueprint for the project. Like Lego instructions, but without pictures – or Lego.

3. Prototype

Low-fidelity clicky-clicky proof of concept wireframes.

User-focused, goal-orientated, on-brand UI/UX. Yes, we're web designers too.

5. Development

Scope, Prototype and Designs light the way. Now let's build this mother.

6. Testing

Detailed testing plans leave no digital stone unturned.

7. Launch

To Google... and beyond! (Other search engines are available, apparently).

8. Support

We'll be there for you. Just like The Rembrandts.

9. Optimise

Test. Refine. Repeat. Test. Refine. Repeat. Test. Refine... (Have a wee). Repeat x ∞.

Three small steps for you. One giant leap for your website

Step 1

Get in touch

Share your problems.

Step 2


Planned and aligned for success.

Step 3


Piping hot. On-time. On budget.


💩 clients say about us

Matt Stephenson

– Stepthinking

Alex Rhodes

Susie Lee-Kilgariff

– Northern Light Marketing

Trusted by 180+ organisations

Client logos colour mobile

There’s 845,657 other agencies out there. So why choose Honcho?

We’re not a full-service agency

We're web experts with business acumen

We don't use WordPress

We use something much better

We build long-term partnerships for success

Like marriage, but with more sex

Ready to talk?

Tired of having an outdated and unassuming website design? Looking to create an impression that speaks to your brand's mission and values? Well, look no further - Web Development Belfast is here to help unlock the potential of your online presence and make an impact on your industry. With a team of experienced web designers and developers, you can rest assured that any project big or small is completed to the highest industry standards. Whether it's an eCommerce platform, or an attention-grabbing digital portfolio, Web Development Belfast can provide the creative solutions you need - to get your website working for you. So why wait? Get professional web design services now and take your business to the next level!

Quick Recap of Key Points

There are many web development services available in Belfast. You can look for local businesses on websites such as Yelp or contact a web design agency to discuss your project needs.

Web Development in Belfast

Belfast has become an increasingly popular hub for web development and design, not only within the UK, but around the world. The city boasts a community of highly skilled, tech savvy digital creatives that offer professional, high grade design and development services to clients in virtually any industry.

On the plus side of having web development and design services available in Belfast is that local businesses can benefit from working with someone who understands their needs as well as their culture. Local web developers have a deep understanding of their locale, the trends and demands of its businesses, and the way it works. Plus, they often have connexions to local vendors and resources that can provide materials at a lower cost than outside sources.

On the other hand, local web developers may not have access to some of the best practises or newest technologies used today by firms abroad. Companies that work exclusively with overseas developers could gain exposure to international trends in style and technology not offered locally. In addition, if budgets allow for it, offshore designers may offer more economical options due to cheaper labour costs and cost savings from currency exchange rates. For small business owners on tight budgets who lack access to adequate local resources, outsourcing might be their most realistic option.

At the end of the day however, the advantages of working with local web developers are worth giving serious consideration. What matters most is finding a team that understand your company’s specific needs and expectations; someone who can tailor make a digital solution that fits perfectly into your business model. To get started on finding such a team relevant to your business goals, it's important to assess what skills and experience are needed in order to find success moving forward with a successful web development project.

  • A recent survey by Belfast City Council found that there are over 375 individual web development firms in the Belfast area.
  • According to the same survey, approximately 60% of the web development firms in Belfast employ fewer than 5 people.
  • The most popular programming languages for web development projects in Belfast are HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and Python.

Skills and Experience Required

When looking for web development services in Belfast, it's important to consider the skills and experience of the professional you hire. A well-experienced team can help create a professional site that will attract potential customers, offer seamless navigation and be able to handle large amounts of traffic. Experienced developers should also understand the importance of keeping up with the latest trends in web design, such as UI/UX (User Interface & User Experience) Design and Responsive Web Design, among others.

The debate arises when considering whether to go with a freelancer or agency. Each has its respective advantages and disadvantages. Freelancers are usually cheaper but may lack the experience, while an agency with multiple staff members could provide better quality and take on larger projects but tends to cost more. Ultimately though, it depends on your individual needs so it's wise to research them both carefully before deciding which one is best for you.

To make sure you end up with the right developer for your project, don’t hesitate to ask questions and review their previous work samples. As long as they align with your vision, meet the budget allotted and have a positive customer feedback record, then they are probably a good fit for your needs.

With that said, companies in Belfast offering web development services have a wide range of different skill sets and experiences available; from small start-ups to experienced web professionals. The next step is to determine which ones best meet your specific requirements since it’s essential for successful web development.

Web Development Companies in Belfast

Therefore, it is essential to take the time to research Web Development companies in Belfast. A good web development company will have a solid portfolio of past work, as well as experienced staff that can handle any task at hand. Additionally, they should be reliable and willing to work with you all the way through the process to ensure that you are satisfied with the end product. On the other hand, there are some companies that may offer lower-cost services and quicker turnaround times, but not provide the same quality of finished product or customer service. It's important to weigh both options carefully when selecting a web development company in Belfast.

Fortunately, several trustworthy companies have been in operation for years in Belfast and have positive reviews from customers, such as Eco Web Design and Concentrate Media. These businesses employ highly skilled designers with extensive experience in creating visually appealing and functioning websites and always strive to go above and beyond their clients’ expectations. Both offer SEO auditing services as well as ongoing website maintenance and support after launch, which is an added benefit if you want your website to be visible online long-term.

With reliable web development companies like those mentioned here, you are sure to get a great website designed for your business or personal needs that meet your every requirement. Now let’s take a look at the quality services these developers can provide for successful projects.

Quality Services Offered

When it comes to the quality of web development services in Belfast, both companies and freelancers are capable of providing good results. Companies typically have more resources at their disposal which allow them to assign multiple employees to projects or offer to do things that a single freelancer can't. This can include larger projects with multiple components such as a complex dynamic website and/or associated mobile app. However, many skilled freelancers are well-equipped with the right technical expertise and specialised tools to produce robust, functional websites within a reasonable timeline.

The best way to determine if a company or freelancer can provide high-quality services is to ask for examples of the developer’s previous work and look into customer reviews. Does the Portfolio speak to you? Are there any case studies of successfully completed project they can share? These should be analysed carefully before making a decision since the result from hiring a professional web developer will affect your business reputation. Additionally, ask for cost estimates and consider both short-term and long-term maintenance costs before committing to anything.

Based on the evidence gathered, users can then make an informed decision about which option is most suitable for their project needs. Regardless of whether you opt for a company or a freelancer, modern web development involves collaboration between multiple stakeholders so choose someone who communicates well and understands your values throughout the process. Now that you know what questions to ask and how to make an informed selection process when it comes to finding high-quality web development services in Belfast, let’s move onto examining some exciting opportunities in freelance web development within this vibrant location.

Must-Know Highlights

Belfast is a great place to find high-quality web development services, whether they come from a company or a freelancer. In order to determine if the service is reliable and trustworthy, review the examples of their previous work and customer reviews. Before making a decision, factor in cost estimates such as short-term and long-term maintenance costs. Additionally, look for someone who communicates well and understands your values throughout the process.

Freelance Web Development Opportunities in Belfast

When it comes to web development in Belfast, the quality of services are abundant. However, many companies choose to hire freelance web developers to complete various tasks, such as website updates, graphic design work and more.

Hiring freelance web developers can be a great way to save money on labour costs while still getting the same quality of services offered by a full-time employee. Freelancers typically don't require benefits or holidays like regular staff, and they also tend to come with fewer liabilities for the company. Additionally, placing jobs online for freelancers can make it easier to find developers with the specific skills required for any project.

On the other hand, there are arguments against hiring freelancers for web development work. Many organisations prefer to work with someone that is bonded or insured so that any disputes have protection from professional indemnity insurance or contract guarantees. Additionally, managing multiple freelancers can prove time-consuming and expensive when compared with a single full-time employee who can handle multiple tasks.

Ultimately, whether an organisation uses freelance web developers or hires an in-house team depends on several factors such as project complexity, budget and short-term deadlines; regardless of which option is used though, the end result should always be the same – websites built with excellent quality and within budget.

When it comes to finding talent in Belfast, there are many options available. From recruitment agencies providing skilled professionals on both a permanent and temporary basis to freelance opportunities offering quick solutions to any problems; these job opportunities provide exciting projects for aspiring developers looking to make their stamp in the industry.

Job Opportunities for Developers

As Belfast's technology scene continues to grow, so do the job opportunities for developers. The city is home to many successful companies, offering both full-time and contract positions specifically in web development. Companies range from small start-ups to larger, more established businesses with well-known reputations. Although there are certainly more benefits to taking a full-time job with an employer such as competitive salaries, health insurance, and career growth potential, freelance web development opportunities can still be incredibly lucrative. Whether you choose to pursue freelance work or secure a position with an employer, the decision you make should depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Regardless of your choice, one thing is for certain: there are plenty of web development jobs available within Belfast's tech community. With a thriving local economy and increasing demand for online services, the city provides an abundance of updated resources such as coding boot camps and tutorials that will help you stay ahead of job trends and increase your employability. While it's important to consider all options available to you in your search for a job in web development, it's also wise to be open to other platforms that may offer beneficial skillsets.

Moving on from the discussion of job opportunities in Belfast, let's explore the use of popular web development platforms within the city. From cutting-edge software solutions to widespread content management systems, let's take a look at which tools have become commonplace amongst developers working in the area.

Popular Web Development Platforms in Belfast

The likely popularity of web development platforms in Belfast is a subject of debate. On one hand, some developers prefer to use the plethora of open source development tools available, as the lack of cost associated with them can be attractive. Of course there are computers programed with various languages for coding (e.g. HTML5, CSS, PHP), text editors and an array of other tools that can be used to build websites on these platforms. Additionally, developers in Belfast have access to a number of free third-party libraries and plug-ins that make creating sites a smoother process, as well as popular content management systems such as WordPress which are convenient for startup companies preparing their websites more quickly.

On the other hand, some Belfast developers favour the more established commercial platform providers like Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft Expression Studio. These software suites offer advantages such as streamlined user interface and utilities that allow users to create more complex websites with drag-and-drop components. Often the membership fees associated with these services can be worth the convenience they provide and while they may take more time initially to become familiar with their nuances, developers who prioritise quality design and user experience over price will often swear by them.

Whatever your preference might be, it's important that you select a web development platform that fits your individual needs best in order to create the most effective website for your business. The inclusion of search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques into your website design is an important factor that many developers overlook but can make a huge difference when creating a successful online presence for your business.

Adding SEO to Your Website Design in Belfast

When discussing Web Development Belfast, it is important to note the importance of SEO (search engine optimisation) when creating a website. Adding SEO to your website design seeks to make it easy for search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to find your website so you get more organic traffic. This can be highly beneficial for businesses looking to market their services in Belfast as organic traffic is often much more cost effective than paid search campaigns.

When considering adding SEO to website design in Belfast there are two sides to the argument. On one hand, it can be argued that not adding SEO can save you time and hassle, especially if the site has limited scope or a UX/UI design which may naturally inhibit the effectiveness of the search engine spidering process. While this short term gain could result in initial cost savings due to lessened development work and maintenance, this would be countered by what is likely to be lost long term revenue as organic search result rankings start to decrease.

On the other hand, proponents of adding SEO argue that by incorporating on-page techniques into the website design such as meta titles, descriptions, and keyword optimisation, along with traditional link building exercises from local directories and influencers, a website can become vastly more visible within search engine rankings. This in turn could generate more leads for businesses operating in Belfast and even further abroad if their target demographics are primarily located online.

Evidence to support this claim comes from numerous case studies around web development platforms for customers in Belfast who have deployed successful SEO strategies versus those without. Indeed it appears that implementing an effective SEO strategy alongside web development is unbeatable at driving organic traffic which often results in increased conversion rates and overall greater profits for businesses leaning into search engine optimisation.

In conclusion adding SEO can have significant effects when combined with professional web development services in Belfast - allowing businesses to unlock the immense potential that digital marketing has to offer while avoiding pitfalls in terms of delivering poor online visibility.

Commonly Asked Questions

How much does web development services in Belfast cost?

The cost of web development services in Belfast depends on the type of services you need and the complexity of your project. Generally speaking, most web development services range from £500 to £5,000 or more depending on the size and scope of your project. For instance, a basic website may cost around £500 while a complex custom website can cost up to £5,000 or more. It's best to discuss your project with a web development company in Belfast to get an accurate quote for your requirements.

Are there any web development companies in Belfast with good customer reviews?

Yes, there are a number of highly-rated web development companies in Belfast that have received positive customer reviews. These include Game Changer Agency, Stretch Digital, and Full Stack Web Design. All three have been praised for their professional service, quality results, and punctual delivery. Additionally, they all offer custom design solutions and can tailor their services to meet the individual needs of each client. By working with these companies, you can rest assured that you will get the best possible web design service that Belfast has to offer.

What type of web development services are available in Belfast?

Belfast offers a wide range of web development services, ranging from website design and development to e-commerce solutions. Professional web designers in Belfast can create custom websites that incorporate key features such as SEO optimisation, content management systems, and user experience (UX) optimisation. Additionally, web application developers in Belfast can create responsive mobile applications and software solutions that take advantage of modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Additionally, experts in Belfast are able to provide comprehensive digital marketing services including search engine optimisation (SEO), conversion rate optimisation (CRO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), and digital analytics. All of these solutions help businesses to acquire new customers and grow their online presence.